- A Ballad Of Old And New
- A Ballad Of The Time
- A Bird's Call
- A Castle In Spain
- A Cavalry Soldier
- A Channel Rhyme
- A Complaint
- A Contrast
- A Coral Island
- A Declaration Of War
- A Dog's Life
- A Farewell (1904)
- A Garden In The North
- A Job O' Work
- A Lament
- A Lancashire Hare
- A Lancashire Sunset
- A Lift By The Way
- A Message
- A Mighty Hunter Before The Lord
- A Norseman
- A North Country Hound (Old Style)
- A Parting
- A Place Of Dreams
- A Port Forsaken
- A Question
- A Saint Of Cornwall
- A Sea Burthen
- A Sea Dream
- A Seaside Church
- A Ship In A Bottle
- A Song Of The Day
- A Song Of The Open
- A Stave At Parting
- A Thought (For Gardeners)
- A Wool Fleet Chorus
- A Worshipper
- A Yarn Of Dan's
- Admiral Dugout
- Afoot
- After Dark
- After Preston Fight
- After The Storm
- Afterglow
- Age (Millwall Dock)
- All Hallows
- All Sorts
- Along The Prairie Trail
- An Angel Unawares
- An Ocean Tramp
- Anchors
- Animal House
- Apples
- Armed Merchantmen: An Old Song Re-Sung
- At Eventide
- At The Dawning Of The Day
- Autumn
- Back To Hilo
- Barguest
- Basaco
- Beauty
- Bewitched
- Bill
- Bill Brewster
- Bill The Dreamer
- Bill's Choice
- Bill's Christmases
- Bill's Enemy
- Billy's Yarn
- Blue Anchor Lane
- Boot And Saddle
- Bosun
- Boys
- Brandan's Isle
- Britannia Africana
- Britannia Triumphans
- British Merchant Service
- Bullington
- By The Old Pagoda Anchorage [1924]
- By The Old Pagoda Anchorage [1926]
- Caesar's Camp
- Calm Before Storm
- Cape Stiff
- Captain Paul Jones
- Casey An' Me
- Casey's Concertina
- Chips
- Christmas Night
- Ciudad Rodrigo
- Clare's Brigade
- Coasting Brigantine - Unnamed
- Coastwise
- Commodore (North Atlantic Mail Service)
- Conall's Daughter
- Cook
- Copper Ore
- Country Pleasures
- Country Pursuits
- Curios
- Dan (The Shantyman)
- Dan's Dream
- Dan's Epitaph
- Dan's Fortune
- Dan's Odyssey
- Davy Jones's Locker
- Dead Man's Bay
- Deep Sea Plunderings
- Deep Water
- Deep Water Jack
- Departure
- Diamond Jubilee
- Dogs
- Doldrums: One Of Murphy's Yarns
- Drake’s Breed
- Ducklington
- Duty
- Early Spring
- Eight Bells
- Elegy
- Empire-Makers
- England In China: 1897-98
- Epilogue: Cape Horn Days
- Epitaph
- Epitaph On An Unfortunate Lady
- Everybody’s Doing It
- Everything Is Different In Africa
- Ex-Voto Breton Church Model
- Farewell (1900)
- Farewell To Anzac
- Fata Morgana
- Faugh-A-Ballagh (Clear The Way!)
- Fiddler John: A Country Tale
- Fife And Drum
- Figureheads
- Finance
- First Voyage
- Flanders' Woods
- Flying Kites
- Follow The Sea
- For England
- For'Ard On!
- Franklin
- Fraser River
- From The North
- From The Sea
- Fuentes D'Onor
- Fulfilment
- Galloping Horses (After The Flower Show)
- Gerrans Churchtown
- Getting Off
- Ghosts In Deptford
- Ghosts In The Garden
- Gilly
- God's Gift
- Good Hope
- Good Luck
- Granfer Scroodle
- Great Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia)
- Green Ribands
- Grey Grisold
- Guido Sebaldi
- Half-Past Eleven Square
- Hallowe'En
- Ham, Shem And Japhet
- Hans Dans An' Me
- Hastings Mill
- Hay Harvest: 1916
- Her Majesty's Forces
- Hesperus
- Hide And Seek
- High Noon
- His Going Forth Is From The End Of Heaven
- Hodson Of Hodson's Horse
- Hollinshead Hall
- Home Along
- Home For Christmas — Old Style
- Homecoming At Dawn
- Homeward
- Honour The Brave!
- Hoodoo
- Horn Weather
- How We Took The Great Galleon
- Hunting The Hare
- Hymn Of Thanksgiving After Victory
- In Drydock
- In Great Waters
- In Memoriam: H.M.S. Warspite
- In Prize
- In Sailortown
- In The Museum Of The Royal United Service Institution
- In The Trades
- Isandula
- Islands
- Jack Ashore - Ladysmith
- Jack O' Lanthorn
- Jim
- Joe
- John Company's Ships
- Knots
- Lancashire From The Hills
- Last Post:
- Lavender Pond
- Leave Her Johnnie
- Lee Fore Brace
- Les Champignons (Conversation Exercise)
- Let Her Go! (A Tramp Chanty)
- Lieutenant Shellback R.N.R.
- Light Cruisers (Old)
- Limehouse Reach
- Little Gorilla
- Little Waxy
- Liverpool
- London Pool
- London River
- London Seagulls
- Lords Of The Sea
- Love Lies Bleeding
- Love's Marketing
- Lower Pool
- Lower Pool
- Luck
- Lumber
- Mad About Music
- Mafeking (May 16th, 1900)
- Mainsail Haul
- Man The Conqueror
- Mariquita
- Market Day
- Master Brock
- Master Hippo
- Mate
- Meet At Eleven
- Mejillones
- Mejillones
- Memories
- Men Of The Marches
- Merchant Men (1904)
- Merchantmen
- Merchantmen (1917)
- Messmates All
- Might Have Been
- Mike
- Mike And The Cat
- Mike's Fancy
- Minden Day
- Missing
- Mist
- Mobile Bay
- Morgan Le Fay
- Morning Watch
- Mother Carey
- Mr. Prickles
- Mules
- Nec Aspera Terrent
- Nests
- New Heavens – New Earth (Christmas, 1916)
- New Year
- Newfoundland's Gift
- News From The North
- News In Daly's Bar
- Nitrates
- No Surrender
- Odyssey
- Offa’s Dyke
- Old Cob Wall
- Old Fastnet
- Old Fastnet
- Old Graybeard
- Old Stormy
- Old Wood Is Best
- Omdurman
- One Summer's Day
- Otter Hunting In Ribblesdale
- Our Country
- Our Distant Kin
- Our Jubilee Visitors
- Out And Away
- Outward Bound
- Pacific Coast
- Padre
- Pals
- Paradise Street
- Parting: The Eve Of The Puppy Show
- Peaceable Mr. M'Gee
- Penguins
- Peninsular Ballads: Prologue
- Penmaenmawr
- Philosophy
- Pictures
- Pixie-Led
- Places
- Poor Old Ship
- Poor Old Ship (Regent's Canal Dock)
- Port O' Dreams
- Portrait Of A Lady-1
- Portrait Of A Lady-2
- Post-War Plans
- Prairie Sunset
- Prairie Wind
- Pretty Meadow
- Pro Patria
- Queen Radegund
- Racing Clippers (A Wool Fleet Memory)
- Rain
- Rathlin Head
- Recollection
- Red, White, And Blue
- Resurrection
- Resurrexit (June, 1900)
- Retrospect
- Rhodalind
- Rhodesia
- Rhyme Of The Captive Maid
- Ring O' Bells
- Rio Grande
- Roll Along Home!
- Rolling Home
- Rolling Stone
- Romance
- Romance And Reality
- Ronceval
- Rosario
- Rosemary
- Roving Men
- Royal Music
- Royal Naval Reserve
- Royal Yacht
- Sacramento
- Sailor Town
- Sailor's Delight
- Sailor's Farewell
- Sailor's Picture Model
- Sailor, Sailor —
- Sailor’s Pleasure
- Sails
- Saint George Of England
- Saint Paul's
- Sale By Auction
- Salute To Sailor Town
- Salvage
- School
- Sea Change
- Sea Sorrow
- Second Fiddle
- Second Mate
- See You In Liverpool
- Seeing The World
- Shanghai Passage
- Sheep Fair On The Marches.
- Ship Models V South Sea Whaler. “scrimshaw” Model
- Ship Models 1. Royal Yacht (Restoration Period)
- Ship Models Vii “geordie Collier Brig”
- Shipmate Sorrow
- Shipmates (1914)
- Shipmates (Clipper Ship Mary Ambree)
- Ships And Folks
- Ships That Pass (An Episode Of The Cruiser Patrol)
- Shipwreck
- Should Auld Acquaintance . . . ?
- Sic Transit . . .
- Sic Transit . . .
- Sleep
- Small Craft
- Smith-With-A-Hi
- So Long (All Coiled Down)
- Sold Foreign
- Sold Foreign
- Song For St. George's Day
- Songs Of The City
- Sons Of The English
- South Africa - 1899
- Spring In Hampshire: 1916
- St. Andrew's Eve
- St. Patrick's Day In The Morning
- Stand Firm!
- Steel Rails
- Stew
- Stoke Charity - A Hampshire Placename
- Stormy Dusk
- Submarines
- Swallows At Zimbabwe
- Sweethearts And Wives
- Tea In The Garden
- The
- The Alligator's Children
- The Anchor Watch
- The Ancient Singer
- The Art Of Catching Flies
- The Ballad Of Rosalie
- The Ballad Of The Eastern Crown
- The Ballad Of The Hun King's Dream
- The Ballad Of The Matterhorn
- The Ballad Of The Resurrection Packet
- The Blue Peter
- The Boats Of The Albacore
- The Bob-Cat
- The Bond Of Brotherhood
- The Bridge
- The British-Born
- The Broken Brigade
- The Bugle
- The Bugle-Call
- The Builders
- The Burial Of General Craufurd At Ciudad Rodrigo
- The Caged Monarch
- The Call
- The Call 2
- The Calling Of The Birds
- The Cape Horner
- The Casuarina Tree (Southern Rhodesia)
- The Changeling
- The Charge Of The 21st Lancers
- The Charge Of The 23rd Light Dragoons At Talavera
- The China Sea
- The Circus In The West
- The Clock With One Finger
- The Clouds
- The Clough Among The Hills
- The Clyde-Built Clipper
- The Coast Of Barbary
- The Colonists
- The Comrade
- The Convalescent
- The Conversation Book
- The Crown Of Gold
- The Cutty Comes Back [1924]
- The Cutty Comes Back [1926]
- The Day Of Little Ships
- The Day's Work
- The Dead For England
- The Death Of Galahad
- The Defaulter
- The Derelict
- The Die-Hards: Albuera
- The Dust Of The Way
- The Elf-Child
- The Enchanted Forest
- The Eternal Feminine
- The Eve Of Battle
- The Fairies' Child
- The Fairy Shepherd
- The Fight Of The Caroline
- The Fight On The Island
- The Fighting Merchantmen
- The Fighting Téméraire - Bone Prisoner Model
- The Figurehead
- The Finger Post
- The First Ship
- The Five Ricks
- The Flying-Fish Sailor
- The Foremost Trail
- The Four Buglers
- The Furrow
- The Gift
- The Gipsy Soldier
- The Glory Of The Marne
- The Good Intent
- The Gordons At Dargai
- The Grand Tour
- The Green Thicket
- The Grey Comrades
- The Grey Wolf
- The Half Loaf
- The Happy Dead
- The Happy Warrior (April 23rd)
- The Haunted Ship
- The Hen That Has Hatched Ducks
- The Horseman In The Night
- The House-Hunter
- The Hunting Of The Witch
- The Image
- The Jolly Bargeman
- The Jonah
- The King's Grief
- The King's Jester
- The King's Kraal
- The King's Shame
- The Kingfisher
- The Knitters
- The Lament Of Maeldune
- The Last Of The Sealing Fleet
- The Last Race
- The Last Ship
- The Last Trek
- The Lawn
- The Lay Of The White Heifer
- The Lighthouse Builders
- The Little Serving-Boy
- The Little Things
- The Liverpool Ship
- The Lone Hand
- The Long Road Home
- The Loss Of The Birkenhead
- The Lost Galleon
- The Lost Land
- The Lost Rivers
- The Lost Ship
- The Lowland Sea
- The Maids Of The Northern Lights
- The Men Who May Not Sleep
- The Message
- The Misanthrope
- The Mouth-Organ
- The North Atlantic Trade
- The North Sea Ground
- The Old Bellringer
- The Old Breed
- The Old Fiddle
- The Old Rectory
- The Old Shellback
- The Old Ships (1919)
- The Old Ships (1920)
- The Old Vindictive
- The Old Whale
- The Old-Timer
- The Oldest Thing In London
- The Open Boat
- The Optimist
- The Orion's Figurehead At Whitehall
- The Orkney Man
- The Ould Has-Been
- The Outposts
- The Packet Rat
- The Passing Of Sail
- The Path Of The English
- The Piper
- The Pirate's Only Delight
- The Plains Of Mexico
- The Plovers' Wind
- The Pool By The Mill
- The Portsmouth Road
- The Prairie Shepherd
- The Queen's Delight (A Ballad Of Master Mariners)
- The Queen's Ships
- The Quest (Horses For The Army)
- The Quest Of The Queen
- The Rally Round The Flag
- The Recruit
- The Red Duster (R. N. R. Demobilised)
- The Red Rose
- The Rendezvous
- The Return
- The Return Of The Prodigal
- The Rhyme Of The Four Strong Men
- The Rhyme Of The Inisfail
- The Rhyme Of The Rio Grande
- The Rock
- The Roll-Call
- The Route March
- The Sailor's Garden
- The Search-Light, Kimberley, 1899-1900
- The Shadow
- The Ship Of State
- The Ship That Never Was
- The Ship's Good-Bye
- The Ship-Keeper
- The Ships He Served Of Old
- The Silent Navy
- The Siren
- The Skipper
- The Skylark
- The Smell Of The Sea
- The Song Of The Greatest Isle
- The Song Of The Mill
- The Song Of The Sword
- The Stand Of Wilson's Patrol
- The Stately Blackwaller
- The Survivor
- The Three Ships
- The Tow-Rope Girls
- The Traveller
- The Tryphena's Extra Hand
- The Unchanged
- The Vanguard
- The Way Of A Ship
- The Wayfarers
- The Windmill
- The Wine Of Life
- The Witch Of Mull
- The Witch-Wife
- The Wool-Gatherer
- The Word Of The English
- The Workers
- The World's Way
- The Yarn Of The Blue Star Line
- The Yeoman's Son
- The Younger Son
- Then And Now
- They Built Ships
- They Made Sails
- Thoughts In A Garden
- To A Rusty Bicycle
- To Arms
- To The Mac Cailen More, Duke Of Argyll
- To The South African Guild Of Loyal Women
- Told At
- Torpedo Boats
- Tower Of Babel
- Traveller's Rest
- Troll's Gold
- True Blue (Song For Music)
- Twelve Tree Barrow
- Ultima Thule
- Untitled Postscript
- Wapping: Conversation Piece
- War Risks
- Westminster Boys
- Westminster Tower
- What Bill Said
- What The Old Man Said
- Whom The Gods Love
- Winter Morning
- Winter Pleasures
- Wireless
- Witches
- Wolf Cubs
- Words Of Wisdom
- Yarns
- York And Lancaster