- 'A Literary Method'
- 'Black Bart, Po8'
- 'Died Of A Rose'
- 'Peaceable Expulsion'
- 'Phil' Crimmins
- A 'Born Leader Of Men'
- A 'Mass' Meeting
- A 'Mute Inglorious Milton'
- A 'scion Of Nobility'
- A Bad Night
- A Ballad Of Pikeville
- A Bequest To Music
- A Bit Of Science
- A Black-List
- A Bubble
- A Builder
- A Bulletin
- A Caller
- A Career In Letters
- A Celebrated Case
- A Challenge
- A Cheating Preacher
- A Commuted Sentence
- A Controversialist
- A Coward
- A Critic
- A Crocodile
- A Culinary Candidate
- A Dampened Ardor
- A Demagogue
- A Demand
- A Dilemma
- A Fair Division
- A False Prophecy
- A Fish Commissioner
- A Fool
- A Growler
- A Guest
- A Hasty Inference
- A Hymn Of The Many
- A Jack-At-All-Views
- A Lacking Factor
- A Lifted Finger
- A Literary Hangman
- A Long-Felt Want
- A Long-Felt Want
- A Man
- A Merciful Governor
- A Military Incident
- A Morning Fancy
- A Nightmare
- A Paradox
- A Partisan's Protest
- A Patter Song
- A Pickbrain
- A Poet's Father
- A Poet's Hope
- A Political Apostate
- A Political Violet
- A Possibility
- A Prayer [sweet Spirit Of Cesspool, Hear A Mother's Prayer]
- A Promised Fast Train
- A Question Of Eligibility
- A Railroad Lackey
- A Rear Elevation
- A Rendezvous
- A Reply To A Letter
- A Retort
- A Serenade
- A Silurian Holiday
- A Soaring Toad
- A Social Call
- A Society Leader
- A Song In Praise
- A Spade
- A Study In Gray
- A Vision Of Climate
- A Vision Of Doom
- A Vision Of Resurrection
- A Voluptuary
- A Warning
- A Welcome
- A Wet Season
- A Whipper-In
- A Word To The Unwise
- A Wreath Of Immortelles
- A Wreath Of Immortelles
- A Year's Casualties
- Accepted
- Ad Cattonum
- Ad Moodium
- Adair Welcker, Poet
- Again
- Alone
- An 'Exhibit'
- An Actor
- An Alibi
- An Anarchist
- An Apologue
- An Art Critic
- An Augury
- An Average
- An Enemy To Law And Order
- An Epitaph [hangman's Hands Laid In This Tomb An]
- An Epitaph [here Lies Greer Harrison, A Well Cracked Louse]
- An Example
- An Exile
- An Explanation
- An Idler
- An Imposter
- An Inscription
- An Inscription (For A Proposed Monument In Washington)
- An Inscription (For A Statue Of Napoleon, At West Point)
- An Interpretation
- An Obituarian
- An Offer Of Marriage
- An Undress Uniform
- An Unmerry Christmas
- Another Plan
- Another Way
- Arbor Day
- Arboriculture
- Arma Virumque
- Art
- Arthur Mcewen
- Aspirants Three
- Aspiration
- At Anchor
- At The 'National Encampment'
- At The Close Of The Canvass
- At The Close Of The Canvass
- At The Eleventh Hour
- Authority
- Azrael
- Bats In Sunshine
- Beecher
- Bereavement
- Bimetalism
- Borrowed Brains
- Business
- By A Defeated Litigant
- By False Pretenses
- Cain
- California
- Carmelite
- Censor Literarum
- Charles And Peter
- Christian
- Codex Honoris
- Consolation
- Constancy
- Contemplation
- Contentment
- Convalescent
- Convalescent ['By Good Men's Prayers See Grant Restored!']
- Convalescent [what! 'Out Of Danger?' Can The Slighted Dame]
- Cooperation
- Corrected News
- Couplets
- Creation
- Creation
- De Young-A Prophecy
- Decalogue
- Democracy
- Dennis Kearney
- Detected
- Diagnosis
- Dies Irae
- Disappointment
- Discretion
- Down Among The Dead Men
- Egotist
- Election Day
- Elegy
- Elixer Vitæ
- Emancipation
- Exoneration
- Expositor Veritatis
- Fallen
- Fame [he Held A Book In His Knotty Paws]
- Fame [one Thousand Years I Slept Beneath The Sod]
- Famine's Realm
- Fate
- Finis Aeternitatis
- Fleet Strother
- For A Certain Critic
- For Mayor
- For Merit
- For President, Leland Stanford
- For Tat
- For Wounds
- Foresight
- Foundations Of The State
- Four Candidates For Senator
- Four Of A Kind
- France
- Francine
- Freedom
- From The Minutes
- From Top To Bottom
- From Virginia To Paris
- General B.F. Butler
- Genesis [god Said, 'Let There Be Crime,' And The Command]
- Genesis [god Said: 'Let There Be Man,' And From The Clay]
- George A. Knight
- Geotheos
- Haec Fabula Docet
- Hell
- History
- Homo Podunkensis
- Hospitality
- Humility
- Ignis Fatuus
- In Contumaciam
- In Defense
- In Defense
- In High Life
- In His Hand
- In Memoriam
- In The Binnacle
- In Upper San Francisco
- Incurable
- Indicted
- Industrial Discontent
- Inspiration
- Invocation
- J.F.B.
- James L. Flood
- Johndonkey
- Judex Judicatus
- Judgment
- Justice
- L'Audace
- Laus Lucis
- Liberty
- Llewellen Powell
- Lucifer Of The Torch
- Lusus Politicus
- Mad
- Magnanimity
- Master Of Three Arts
- Matter For Gratitude
- Mendax
- Metempsychosis
- Metempsychosis [once With Christ He Entered Salem]
- Montague Leverson
- Montefiore
- Mr. Fink's Debating Donkey
- Mr. Sheets
- My Lord Poet
- My Monument
- Nanine
- Nimrod
- Not Guilty
- Novum Organum
- Omnes Vanitas
- On A Proposed Crematory
- On Stone
- On The Platform
- On The Wedding Of The Aeronaut
- One And One Are Two
- One Judge
- One Mood's Expression
- One Morning
- One Of The Redeemed
- One Of The Saints
- One Of The Unfair Sex
- One President
- Oneiromancy
- Ornithanthropos
- Over The Border
- Peace
- Philosopher Bimm
- Piety
- Poesy
- Political Economy
- Politics
- Polyphemus
- Posterity's Award
- Prayer [fear Not In Any Tongue To Call]
- Presentiment
- Psychographs
- Re-Edified
- Rebuke
- Rejected
- Religion
- Religious Progress
- Reminded
- Revenge
- Rimer
- Safety-Clutch
- Salvini In America
- Samuel Shortridge
- Sires And Sons
- Slander
- Slickens
- Something In The Papers
- Stephen Dorsey
- Stephen J. Field
- Stoneman In Heaven
- Strained Relations
- Substance Versus Shadow
- Subterranean Phantasies
- Surprised
- T.A.H.
- Technology
- Tempora Mutantur
- Thanksgiving
- The 'Viduate Dame'
- The Aesthetes
- The American Party
- The Barking Weasel
- The Birth Of The Rail
- The Birth Of Virtue
- The Boss's Choice
- The Bride
- The Brothers
- The Committee On Public Morals
- The Confederate Flags
- The Convicts' Ball
- The Cynic's Bequest
- The Day Of Wrath / Dies Iræ
- The Dead King
- The Death Of Grant
- The Debtor Abroad
- The Division Superintendent
- The Dying Statesman
- The Eastern Question
- The Fall Of Miss Larkin
- The Following Pair
- The Foot-Hill Resort
- The Fountain Refilled
- The Free Trader's Lament
- The Fyghtynge Seventh
- The Gates Ajar
- The Genesis Of Embarrassment
- The God's View-Point
- The Hermit
- The Hesitating Veteran
- The Humorist
- The In-Coming Climate
- The Key Note
- The Key Note
- The King Of Bores
- The Last Man
- The Legatee
- The Legend Of Immortal Truth
- The Lord's Prayer On A Coin
- The Lost Colonel
- The Mackaiad
- The Mad Philosopher
- The Man Born Blind
- The Militiaman
- The Mummery
- The National Guardsman
- The Naval Constructor
- The New 'Ulalume'
- The New Decalogue
- The New Enoch
- The Night Of Election
- The Oakland Dog
- The Oleomargarine Man
- The Opposing Sex
- The Passing Of 'Boss' Shepherd
- The Passing Show
- The Perverted Village After Goldsmith
- The Piute
- The Politician
- The Psoriad
- The Pun
- The Retrospective Bird
- The Rich Testator
- The Royal Jester
- The Saint And The Monk
- The Scurril Press
- The Setting Sachem
- The Shafter Shafted
- The Spirit Of A Sponge
- The Statesmen
- The Subdued Editor
- The Sunset Gun
- The Tables Turned
- The Town Of Dae
- The Transmigrations Of A Soul
- The Unfallen Brave
- The Unpardonable Sin
- The Valley Of Dry Bones
- The Valley Of The Shadow Of Theft
- The Van Nessiad
- The Veteran
- The Weather Wight
- The Wise And Good
- The Woful Tale Of Mr. Peters
- The Woman And The Devil
- The Yearly Lie
- Thersites
- Three Kinds Of A Rogue
- Tidings Of Good
- Tinker Dick
- To 'Colonel' Dan. Burns
- To A Censor
- To A Critic Of Tennyson
- To A Dejected Poet
- To A Professional Eulogist
- To A Stray Dog
- To A Summer Poet
- To A Word-Warrior
- To An Aspirant
- To An Insolent Attorney
- To E.S. Salomon
- To E.S. Salomon
- To Either
- To Her
- To Maude
- To My Laundress
- To My Liars
- To Nanine
- To One Across The Way
- To One Detested
- To Oscar Wilde
- To The Bartholdi Statue
- To The Bartholdi Statue
- To The Fool-Killer
- To The Happy Hunting Grounds
- To-Day
- Twin Unworthies
- Two Methods
- Two Rogues
- Two Shows
- Two Statesmen
- Unarmed
- Uncoloneled
- Unexpounded
- Vanished At Cock-Crow
- Vice Versa
- Visions Of Sin
- Weather
- With A Book
- With Mine Own Petard
- Woman In Politics
- Y'E Foe To Cathaye
- Ye Idyll Of Ye Hippopopotamus
- Yorick