- A Birthday
- A Birthday Present
- A Border Burn
- A Captive Throstle
- A Christmas Carol
- A Country Nosegay
- A Defence Of English Spring
- A Dialogue At Fiesole
- A Dream Of England
- A Farewell
- A Farewell To Youth
- A Farmhouse Dirge
- A Florilegium
- A Fragment
- A Last Request
- A Letter From Italy
- A March Minstrel
- A Meeting
- A Night In June
- A November Note
- A Poet’s Eightieth Birthday
- A Point Of Honour
- A Portrait
- A Question
- A Question Answered
- A Rare Guest
- A Reply To A Pessimist
- A Royal Home-Coming
- A Shakespeare Memorial
- A Sleepless Night
- A Snow-White Lily
- A Souless Singer
- A Spring Carol
- A Tale Of True Love
- A Te Deum
- A Tusculan Question
- A Twilight Song
- A Voice From The West
- A Wild Rose
- A Wintry Picture
- A Wintry Picture (Ii)
- A Woman’s Apology
- Agatha
- Alea Jacta
- Alfred’s Song
- All Hail To The Czar!
- Although No Stupid Scoffer
- An Answer
- An April Fool
- An April Love
- An Autumn Homily
- An Autumn Picture
- An Autumn—blooming Rose
- An Experiment In Translation
- Another Spring Carol
- Any Poet At Any Time
- As Dies The Year
- Aspromonte
- At Delphi
- At Her Grave
- At His Grave
- At San Giovanni Del Lago
- At Shelley’s Grave
- At Shelley’s House At Lerici
- At The Gate Of The Convent
- At The Lattice
- At Vaucluse
- Ave Maria
- Awake! Awake!
- Beatrice
- Because I Failed, Shall I Asperse The End
- Before, Behind, And Beyond
- Beyond The Pasture's Withered Bents
- Blanche
- Brother Benedict
- Burns’s Statue At Irvine
- By The Fates
- Celestial Heights
- Chi È?
- Christmas,1870
- Church—door Should Still Stand Open
- Content Written Off Ithaca
- Could I But Leave Men Wiser By My Song
- Covet Who Will The Patronage Of Kings
- Dead!
- December Matins
- Dedication To Lady Windsor
- Dedication To The Edition Of 1876 To H.J.A.
- Farewell
- Farewell To Italy
- Farewell To Spring
- Father, Farewell! Be Not Distressed
- Felix Opportunitate Mortis
- Florence
- Fontana Di Trevi
- Forgiveness
- Free
- Free Will And Fate
- George Eliot
- Give Me A Roof Where Wisdom Dwells
- Give Me October's Meditative Haze
- Give Me Thy Heart
- Gleaners Of Fame
- Go Away, Death!
- Good-Night!
- Grandmother’s Teaching
- Grata Juventas
- Henry Bartle Edward Frere
- Here Have I Learnt The Little That I Know
- Here, Where The Vine And Fig Bask Hand In Hand
- How Florence Rings Her Bells
- Hymn To Death
- I Chide Not At The Seasons
- If I To You But Sorry Bring
- If They Dare!
- If You Were Mine, If You Were Mine,
- Impromptu
- Impromptu: To Frances Garnet Wolseley
- In Praise Of England
- In Sutton Woods
- In The Forum
- In The Month When Sings The Cuckoo
- Inflexible As Fate
- Invocation
- Is Life Worth Living?
- John Everett Millais
- Know, Nature, Like The Cuckoo, Laughs At Law
- Lady Mabel
- Leszko The Bastard
- Let The Weary World Go Round
- Let Us Fly!
- Lines Written On Visiting The Chateaux On The Loire
- Longing
- Look Seaward, Sentinel!
- Look Up, Desponding Hearts! See, Morning Sallies
- Lost
- Love Of Life
- Love's Blindness
- Love's Trinity
- Love’s Fitfulness
- Love’s Harvest
- Love’s Unity
- Love’s Wisdom
- Madonna
- Mafeking
- Messalina
- Mozart’s Grave
- My Northern Blood Exults To Face
- My Soul Is Sunk In All-Suffusing Shame
- My Winter Rose
- Nocturnal Vigils
- Nughtingale And Cuckoo
- Off Mesolongi
- On Returning To England
- Outside The Village Church
- Pax Britannica
- Poet’s Corner
- Primacy Of Mind
- Primroses
- Resignation
- Roses Crimson, Roses White
- Sacred And Profane Love
- Sadder Than Lark When Lowering
- Shelley’s Death
- Shepherd Swains That Feed Your Flocks
- Since We Must Die
- Sisyphus
- Song
- Songs From “prince Lucifer” Ii - Mother-Song
- Sorrow’s Importunity
- Spartan Mothers
- Spiritual Love
- Stafford Henry Northcote
- Sweet Love Is Dead
- Take Not The Gods To Task, For They Are Wise
- The Aquittal Of Phryne
- The Challenge Answered
- The Dance At Darmstadt
- The Death Of Huss
- The Door Of Humility
- The Dregs Of Love
- The Evening Light
- The Fallen Elm
- The Flower, Full Blown, Now Bends The Stalk, Now Breaks
- The Golden Age
- The Golden Year!
- The Haymakers’ Song
- The Lark Confinèd In His Cage
- The Last Redoubt
- The Lover’s Song
- The Mountains
- The Old Land And The Young Land
- The Owl And The Lark
- The Passing Of Spring
- The Passing Of The Century
- The Passing Of The Primroses
- The Poet And The Muse
- The Reply Of Q. Horatius Flaccus To A Roman
- The Silent Muse
- The Smiling Slopes With Olive Groves Bedecked
- The Spring—time, O The Spring--Time
- The White Pall Of Peace
- The Wind Speaks
- Though All The World
- Three Sonnets Written In Mid-Channel
- Through Liberty To Light
- Time’s Defence
- Time’s Weariness
- Tis Because, Though In Dusky Bower
- To Alfred Tennyson
- To Arms!
- To Arms! (Ii)
- To Beatrice Stuart--Wortley Ætat
- To Ellen Terry
- To England
- To Ireland
- To Robert Louis Stevenson
- To The Autumn Wind
- Too Late
- Two Visions
- Unseasonable Snows
- Victoria
- Vis Medicatrix Naturae
- Wardens Of The Wave
- Were I A Poet, I Would Dwell
- When Acorns Fall
- When I Am Gone
- When In The Long-Drawn Avenues Of Thought
- When Runnels Began To Leap And Sing
- When The Reaper Lays The Sickle By,
- Who Would Not Die For England!
- Why England Is Conservative
- Why Should I, From This Long And Losing Strife
- Winter Violets
- Wordsworth At Dove Cottage