- A Colloquial Reply: To Any Newsboy
- A Curse For Kings
- A Dirge For A Righteous Kitten
- A Net To Snare The Moonlight
- A Prayer To All The Dead Among Mine Own People
- A Rhyme About An Electrical Advertising Sign
- A Sense Of Humor
- Above The Battle's Front
- Abraham Lincoln Walks At Midnight
- Aladdin And The Jinn
- Alone In The Wind, On The Prairie
- An Apology For The Bottle Volcanic
- An Argument
- An Indian Summer Day On The Prairie
- At Mass
- Beyond The Moon
- Blanche Sweet
- Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, Bryan
- Buddha
- By The Spring, At Sunset
- Caught In A Net
- Concerning Emperors
- Crickets On A Strike
- Darling Daughter Of Babylon
- Davy Jones' Door-Bell
- Drying Their Wings
- Eden In Winter
- Edwin Booth
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- Epilogue
- Epitaphs For Two Players
- Euclid
- Factory Windows Are Always Broken
- Foreign Missions In Battle Array
- Friends, I Will Not Cease
- Galahad, Knight Who Perished
- General William Booth Enters Into Heaven
- Genesis
- Ghosts In Love
- God Send The Regicide
- Heart Of God
- Here's To The Mice!
- Honor Among Scamps
- How A Little Girl Danced
- How A Little Girl Sang
- How I Walked Alone In The Jungles Of Heaven
- How Samson Bore Away The Gates Of Gaza
- I Heard Immanuel Singing
- I Went Down Into The Desert
- In Memory Of A Child
- In Praise Of Songs That Die
- Incense
- John Brown
- John Bunny, Motion Picture Comedian
- Kalamazoo
- King Arthur's Men Have Come Again
- King Solomon And The Queen Of Sheba
- Lincoln
- Look You, I'Ll Go Pray
- Love And Law
- Mae Marsh, Motion Picture Actress
- Mark Twain And Joan Of Arc
- Michaelangelo
- My Lady In Her White Silk Shawl
- My Lady Is Compared To A Young Tree
- Niagara
- On Reading Omar Khayyam
- On Receiving One Of Gloriana’s Letters
- On Suddenly Receiving A Curl Long Refused
- On The Building Of Springfield
- On The Garden Wall
- On The Road To Nowhere
- Once More—to Gloriana
- Our Guardian Angels And Their Children
- Our Mother Pocahontas
- Parvenu
- Popcorn, Glass Balls, And Cranberries
- Prologue To Rhymes To Be Traded For Bread
- Queen Mab In The Village
- Rhymes For Gloriana
- Shakespeare
- Simon Legree
- Speak Now For Peace
- Springfield Magical
- St. Francis Of Assisi
- Star Of My Heart
- Sunshine
- Sweet Briars Of The Stairways
- Sweethearts Of The Year
- The Alchemist's Petition
- The Amaranth
- The Angel And The Clown
- The Bankrupt Peace-Maker
- The Beggar's Valentine
- The Black Hawk War Of The Artists
- The Booker Washington Trilogy
- The Broncho That Would Not Be Broken
- The Chinese Nightingale
- The City That Will Not Repent
- The Congo: A Study Of The Negro Race
- The Conscientious Deacon
- The Cornfields
- The Dandelion
- The Dangerous Little Boy Fairies
- The Doll Upon The Topmost Bough
- The Dreamer
- The Drunkard's Funeral
- The Drunkards In The Street
- The Eagle That Is Forgotten
- The Empty Boats
- The Encyclopaedia
- The Fairy Bridal-Hymn
- The Firemen's Ball
- The Flower Of Mending
- The Flower-Fed Buffaloes
- The Gamblers
- The Ghosts Of The Buffaloes
- The Golden Whales Of California
- The Haughty Snail-King
- The Hearth Eternal
- The Hope Of The Resurrection
- The Horrid Voice Of Science
- The Illinois Village
- The Jingo And The Minstrel
- The King Of Yellow Butterflies
- The Knight In Disguise
- The Leaden-Eyed
- The Light O' The Moon
- The Lion
- The Little Turtle
- The Master Of The Dance
- The Merciful Hand
- The Modest Jazz-Bird
- The Moon Is A Painter
- The Moon's The North Wind's Cooky
- The Mouse That Gnawed The Oak-Tree Down
- The Mysterious Cat
- The North Star Whispers To The Blacksmith's Son
- The Perfect Marriage
- The Potatoes' Dance
- The Prairie Battlements
- The Proud Farmer
- The Queen Of Bubbles
- The Raft
- The Rhymer’s Reply. Incense And Splendor
- The Rose Of Midnight
- The Santa-Fe Trail (A Humoresque)
- The Scissors-Grinder
- The Song Of The Garden-Toad
- The Sorceress!
- The Soul Of The City Receives The Gift Of The Holy Spirit
- The Spice-Tree
- The Spider And The Ghost Of The Fly
- The Strength Of The Lonely
- The Sun Says His Prayers
- The Tale Of The Tiger-Tree
- The Trap
- The Traveller-Heart
- The Tree Of Laughing Bells
- The Unpardonable Sin
- The Voice Of The Man Impatient With Visions And Utopias
- The Voyage
- The Wedding Of The Rose And The Lotos
- The Wizard In The Street
- This Section Is A Christmas Tree
- This, My Song, Is Made For Kerensky
- Titian
- To Buddha
- To Gloriana
- To Jane Addams At The Hague
- To Lady Jane
- To Mary Pickford
- To Reformers In Despair
- To The United States Senate
- Tolstoi Is Plowing Yet
- Two Easter Stanzas
- Two Old Crows
- Upon Returning To The Country Road
- We Meet At The Judgment And I Fear It Not
- What Grandpa Mouse Said
- What Semiramis Said
- What The Coal-Heaver Said
- What The Forester Said
- What The Ghost Of The Gambler Said
- What The Gray-Winged Fairy Said
- What The Hyena Said
- What The Miner In The Desert Said
- What The Moon Saw
- What The Rattlesnake Said
- What The Scare-Crow Said
- What The Sexton Said
- What The Snow Man Said
- When Bryan Speaks
- When Gassy Thompson Struck It Rich
- Where Is David, The Next King Of Israel?
- Where Is The Real Non-Resistant
- Who Knows?
- Why I Voted The Socialist Ticket
- With A Bouquet Of Twelve Roses
- Written For A Musician
- Yankee Doodle
- Yet Gentle Will The Griffin Be