- A Friendly Game Of Football
- A New Girl Up At White’s
- A Poor Joke
- A Thermometrical Ballade
- Ah Ling, The Leper
- An Inequitable Impost
- As The Troops Went Through
- Australia
- Bashful Gleeson
- Battered Bob
- Battle Passes
- Billjim
- Billy Khaki
- Breaking It Gently
- Bricks
- Bullets
- Bullocky Bill
- Cleaning Up
- Cricket Is A Serious Thing
- German Joe
- Hello, Soldier!
- Highly Desireable
- How Herman Won The Cross
- In Hospital
- In The Benevolent
- In Town
- Jam (A Hymn Of Hate)
- Joey’s Job
- Jonah’s Luck
- Marshal Neigh, V.C.
- Men Of Australia
- Mickey Mollynoo
- Mud
- My Typewriter
- Night Shift
- Of The True Endeavour
- Out Of Khaki
- Peace, Blessed Peace
- Peter Simson's Farm
- Quits
- Repaired
- Simple Sister Goes To Sydney
- Since Nellie Came To Live Along The Creek
- Sister Ann
- Stop-And-See
- The Auction
- The Church Bells
- The Common Men
- The Crusaders
- The Deserted Homestead
- The Drovers In Reply
- The Emu Of Whroo
- The Fact Of The Matter
- The Fossicker
- The Germ
- The Girl I Left Behind Me
- The Hapless Army
- The Happy Flatite
- The Happy Gardeners
- The Immortal Strain
- The Letters Of The Dead
- The Living Picture
- The Moralist
- The Old Camp-Oven
- The Old Whim Horse
- The One At Home
- The Prospectors
- The Rescue
- The Shanty
- The Single-Handed Team
- The Splitter
- The Tale Of Steven
- The Tin-Pot Mill
- The Trucker
- The Unborn
- The Weeds
- The Young Lieutenant
- To A Politician
- To The Men Of The Mines
- To The Theoretical Selector
- Unredeemed
- Waiting For Water
- Weeping Willie
- When Beauty Is Bald
- When Brother Peetree Prayed
- When The Bell Blew Up
- When Tommy Came Marching Home
- Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?
- Whose Wife
- Why Spring Fell Flat
- William And Bill
- Worked-Out Mine