- A New Heaven
- A Palinode
- A Terre
- A Terre (Being The Philosophy Of Many Soldiers)
- An Imperial Elegy
- Antaeus: [a Fragment]
- Anthem For Doomed Youth
- Apologia Pro Poemate Meo
- Arms And The Boy
- As Bronze May Be Much Beautified
- Asleep
- At A Calvary Near The Ancre
- Beauty
- Beauty: [notes For An Unfinished Poem]
- But I Was Looking At The Permanent Stars
- Conscious
- Cramped In That Funnelled Hole
- Disabled
- Dulce Et Decorum Est
- Elegy In April And September
- Exposure
- From My Diary, July 1914
- Futility
- Greater Love
- Happiness
- Has Your Soul Sipped?
- Hospital Barge
- Hospital Barge At Cerisy
- I Know The Music
- I Saw His Round Mouth's Crimson
- Insensibility
- Inspection
- Le Christianisme
- Maundy Thursday
- Mental Cases
- Miners
- Music
- My Shy Hand
- O World Of Many Worlds
- On My Songs
- On Seeing A Piece Of Our Artillery Brought Into Action
- On Seeing A Piece Of Our Heavy Artillery Brought Into Action
- Preface
- Red Lips Are Not So Red
- Roundel
- S.I.W.
- Schoolmistress
- Shadwell Stair
- Six O'Clock In Princes Street
- Smile, Smile, Smile
- Soldier's Dream
- Song Of Songs
- Sonnet To My Friend - With An Identity Disc
- Sonnet: On Seeing A Piece Of Our Heavy Artillery Brought Into Action
- Spells And Incantations
- Spring Offensive
- Storm
- Strange Meeting
- The Calls
- The Calls [unfinished]
- The Chances
- The Dead-Beat
- The End
- The Kind Ghosts
- The Last Laugh
- The Letter
- The Next War
- The Parable Of The Old Man And The Young
- The Parable Of The Young Man And The Old
- The Roads Also
- The Send-Off
- The Sentry
- The Show
- The Unreturning
- The Young Soldier
- Training
- Uriconium: An Ode
- War broke: and now the Winter of the world
- Wild With All Regrets
- Winter Song
- With An Identity Disc
- [i Saw His Round Mouth's Crimson]