- A Ballad Of The Mulberry Road
- A Girl
- A Pact
- A Song Of The Degrees
- A Villonaud: Ballad Of The Gibbet
- A Virginal
- Alba
- Albatre
- Alf’s Eighth Bit
- Alf’s Fifth Bit
- Alf’s Fourth Bit
- Alf’s Ninth Bit
- Alf’s Second Bit
- Alf’s Seventh Bit
- Alf’s Sixth Bit
- Alf’s Tenth Bit
- Alf’s Third Bit
- Alf’s Twelfth Bit
- Amities
- An Immorality
- An Object
- Ancient Music
- Ancient Wisdom, Rather Cosmic
- Ancora
- And The Days Are Not Full Enough
- And Thus In Nineveh
- Another Bit And An Offer
- Apparuit
- April
- Arides
- Au Jardin
- Au Salon
- Äþñßá (Greek Title)
- Ballad For Gloom
- Ballad Of The Goodly Fere
- Ballatetta
- Before Sleep
- Black Slippers: Bellotti
- Brennbaum
- Cantico Del Sole
- Canto 13
- Canto 49
- Canto I
- Canto Iii
- Canto Xiii: Kung Walked
- Canto Xlix: For The Seven Lakes
- Canto Xlv
- Canto XVI
- Canto XXXVI
- Cantus Planus
- Causa
- Cino
- Coda
- Coitus
- Come To My Cantilations
- Commission
- Dance Figure
- Dans Un Omnibus De Londres
- De Ægypto
- Dieu! Qu'Il La Fait
- Dompna Pois De Me No'Us Cal
- Donna Mi Prega
- Dum Capitolium Scandet
- E.P. Ode Pour L'Election De Son Sepulchre
- Envoi
- Epilogue
- Epitaph
- Epitaphs
- Erat Hora
- Exile’s Letter
- Ezra On The Strike
- Famam Librosque Cano
- Fan-Piece, For Her Imperial Lord
- Fish And Shadow
- For E. Mcc
- Francesca
- Fratres Minores
- From "Hugh Selwyn Mauberly"
- Further Instructions
- Gentildonna
- Grace Before Song
- Guido Invites You Thus
- Heather
- Her Monument, The Image Cut Thereon
- Historion
- Histrion
- Homage To Quintus Septimus Florentis Christianus
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - I
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - Ii
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - Iii
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - Iv
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - Ix
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - V
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - Vi
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - Vii
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - Viii
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - X
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - Xi
- Homage To Sextus Propertius - Xii
- Horae Beatae Inscripto
- Hugh Selwyn Mauberly (Part I)
- Image From D'Orleans
- Impressions Of Francois-Marie Arouet (De Voltaire)
- In A Station Of The Metro
- In Durance
- In Exitum Cuiusdam
- In Tempore Senectutis
- In The Old Age Of The Soul
- Invern
- Ione, Dead The Long Year
- Ité
- L'Art
- L'Homme Moyen Sensuel
- La Fraisne
- La Regina Avrillouse
- Ladies
- Lament Of The Frontier Guard
- Langue D'Oc
- Leave-Taking Near Shoku
- Les Millwin
- Liu Ch'E
- M. Pom-Pom
- Marvoil
- Masks
- Mauberley
- Medallion
- Meditatio
- Mesmerism
- Middle-Aged
- Moeurs Contemporaines
- Monumentum Aere, Etc.
- Mr. Housman's Message
- Mr. Nixon
- N. Y.
- Na Audiart
- National Song (E.C.)
- Near Perigord
- Nicotine
- Night Litany
- Notes For Canto Cxx
- Of Jacopo Del Sellaio
- Old Idea Of Choan By Rosoriu
- Ole Kate
- On His Own Face In A Glass
- Ortus
- Our Contemporaries
- Pagani’s, November 8
- Pan Is Dead
- Paracelsus In Excelsis
- Phanopoeia
- Phyllidula
- Piccadilly
- Piere Vidal Old
- Planh For The Young English King
- Poem
- Poem By The Bridge At Ten-Shin
- Poetic Eggs
- Portrait D'Une Femme
- Post Mortem Conspectu
- Praise Of Ysolt
- Prayer For His Lady’s Life
- Provincia Deserta
- Quies
- Rome
- Safe And Sound
- Salutation
- Salutation The Second
- Salutation The Third
- Salvationists
- Satiemus
- Sennin Poem By Kakuhaku
- Separation On The River Kiang
- Sestina: Altaforte
- Shop Girl
- Silet
- Simulacra
- ßìýñññù (Greek Title)
- Society
- Song
- Song In The Manner Of Housman
- Song Of The Bowmen Of Shu
- Song Of The Six Hundred M.P.'s
- South-Folk In Cold Country
- Speech For Psyche In The Golden Book Of Apuleius
- Statement Of Being
- Sub Mare
- Surgit Fama
- Taking Leave Of A Friend
- Tame Cat
- Tempora
- Tenzone
- The Alchemist
- The Altar
- The Baby
- The Bath-Tub
- The Beautiful Toilet
- The Bellaires
- The Charge Of The Bread Brigade
- The City Of Choan
- The Cloak
- The Coming Of War: Actaeon
- The Condolence
- The Encounter
- The Eyes
- The Fault Of It
- The Faun
- The Flame
- The Game Of Chess
- The Garden
- The Garrett
- The Gypsy
- The House Of Splendour
- The Jewel Stairs' Grievance
- The Lake Isle
- The Logical Conclusion
- The Needle
- The New Cake Of Soap
- The Patterns
- The Picture
- The Plunge
- The Rest
- The Return
- The River Song
- The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter
- The Seafarer
- The Seeing Eye
- The Social Order
- The Spring
- The Study In Aesthetics
- The Summons
- The Tea Shop
- The Temperaments
- The Three Poets
- The Tomb At Akr Çaar
- The Tree
- The White Stag
- These Fought In Any Case
- Threnos
- To Dives
- To Êáëüí (Greek Title)
- To Whistler, American
- To-Em-Meps ‘the Unmoving Cloud'
- Translations And Adaptations From Heine
- Ts'Ai Chi'H
- Villanelle: The Psychological Hour
- Villonaud For This Yule
- Women Before A Shop
- Yeux Glauques
- [greek]
- ‘phasellus Ille’