- A Funeral Fantasie
- A Peculiar Ideal
- A Problem
- Amalia
- Archimedes
- Astronomical Writings
- Beauteous Individuality
- Breadth And Depth
- Carthage
- Cassandra
- Columbus
- Count Eberhard, The Groaner Of Wurtembert. A War Song
- Dangerous Consequences
- Difference Of Station
- Different Destinies
- Dithyramb
- Elegy On The Death Of A Young Man
- Elysium
- Evening
- Fantasie -- To Laura
- Feast Of Victory
- Female Judgement
- Fortune And Wisdom
- Fridolin (The Walk To The Iron Factory)
- Friend And Foe
- Friendship
- Geniality
- Genius
- German Faith
- Germany And Her Princes
- Greekism
- Group From Tartarus
- Hero And Leander
- Honor To Woman
- Honors
- Hope
- Human Knowledge
- Hymn To Joy
- Inside And Outside
- Jove To Hercules
- Light And Warmth
- Longing
- Love And Desire
- Majestas Populi
- Melancholy -- To Laura
- My Antipathy
- My Faith
- Nadowessian Death-Lament
- Naenia
- Ode An Die Freude
- Ode To Joy
- Odysseus
- Parables And Riddles
- Participation
- Political Precept
- Pompeii And Herculaneum
- Punch Song
- Punch Song (To Be Sung In The Northern Countries)
- Rapture -- To Laura
- Resignation
- Rousseau
- Shakespeare's Ghost - A Parody
- The Agreement
- The Alpine Hunter
- The Animating Principle
- The Antique To The Northern Wanderer
- The Antiques At Paris
- The Artists
- The Assignation
- The Bards Of Olden Time
- The Battle
- The Best State
- The Best State Constitution
- The Celebrated Woman - An Epistle By A Married Man
- The Circle Of Nature
- The Complaint Of Ceres
- The Conflict
- The Count Of Hapsburg
- The Cranes Of Ibycus
- The Dance
- The Difficult Union
- The Division Of The Earth
- The Driver
- The Duty Of All
- The Eleusinian Festival
- The Fairest Apparition
- The Favor Of The Moment
- The Fight With The Dragon
- The Flowers
- The Fortune-Favored
- The Forum Of Woman
- The Four Ages Of The World
- The Fugitive
- The Genius With The Inverted Torch
- The German Art
- The Glove - A Tale
- The Gods Of Greece
- The Greatness Of The World
- The Honorable
- The Hostage
- The Ideal And The Actual Life
- The Ideals
- The Iliad
- The Imitator
- The Immutable
- The Infanticide
- The Invincible Armada
- The Key
- The Knights Of St. John
- The Lay Of The Bell
- The Lay Of The Mountain
- The Learned Workman
- The Maid Of Orleans
- The Maiden From Afar
- The Maiden's Lament
- The Meeting
- The Merchant
- The Moral Force
- The Observer
- The Philosophical Egotist
- The Pilgrim
- The Playing Infant
- The Poetry Of Life
- The Power Of Song
- The Power Of Woman
- The Present Generation
- The Proverbs Of Confucius
- The Ring Of Polycrates - A Ballad
- The Secret
- The Sexes
- The Sower
- The Triumph Of Love
- The Two Guides Of Life - The Sublime And The Beautiful
- The Two Paths Of Virtue
- The Veiled Statue At Sais
- The Virtue Of Woman
- The Walk
- The Words Of Belief
- The Words Of Error
- The Youth By The Brook
- Thekla - A Spirit Voice
- To A Moralist
- To A World-Reformer
- To Astronomers
- To Emma
- To Laura (Mystery Of Reminiscence)
- To Laura At The Harpsichord
- To Minna
- To My Friends
- To Mystics
- To Proselytizers
- To The Muse
- To The Spring
- Two Descriptions Of Action
- Untitled 01
- Untitled 02
- Untitled 03
- Variety
- Votive Tablets
- Votive Tablets
- Wisdom And Prudence
- Worth And The Worthy
- Written In A Young Lady's Album