- A Song From Shakespeare's Cymbeline Sung By Guiderus And Ar
- An Epistle Addressed To Sir Thomas Hanmer, On His Edition Of Shakspeare's Works
- Antistrophe
- Dirge In Cymbeline
- Eclogue The First Selim
- Eclogue The Fourth Agib
- Eclogue The Second Hassan
- Eclogue The Third Abra
- Epode
- How Sleep The Brave
- In The Downhill Of Life
- O D E, To A Lady On The Death Of Colonel R O S S In The Action Of Fontenoy
- Ode
- Ode On The Poetical Character
- Ode To Evening
- Ode To Fear
- Ode To Liberty
- Ode To M E R C Y
- Ode To P E A C E
- Ode To Pity
- Ode To Simplicity
- Ode Written In The Beginning Of The Year 1746
- The Manners - An O D E
- The Passions. An Ode To Music