- 1954
- A Week Later
- Crab
- Her First Week
- I Could Not Tell
- I Go Back To May 1937
- Japanese-American Farmhouse, California, 1942
- May 1968
- My Son The Man
- One Year
- Primitive
- Sex Without Love
- Still Life In Landscape
- Take The I Out
- The Borders
- The Clasp
- The Daughter Goes To Camp
- The Death of Marilyn Monroe
- The End
- The Ferryer
- The Flurry
- The Knowing
- The Month of June: 13 1/2
- The Mortal One
- The Pact
- The Sash
- The Space Heater
- The Unborn
- The Victims
- The Wedding Vow
- Topography
- Toth Farry
- True Love
- Unspeakable
- Voices