- A Felicitous Life
- A Hall
- A Magic Mountain
- A Poem For The End Of The Century
- A Poor Christian Looks At The Ghetto
- A Song On The End Of The World
- A Task
- A Treatise On Poetry: Iv Natura
- Account
- An Hour
- And The City Stood In Its Brightness
- And Yet The Books
- Annalena
- Ars Poetica?
- Artificer
- At A Certain Age
- By The Peonies
- Campo Di Fiori
- Child Of Europe
- Christopher Robin
- City Without A Name
- Conversation With Jeanne
- Dedication
- Earth Again
- Encounter
- Faith
- Father Explains
- Forget
- Hope
- How It Was
- I Sleep A Lot
- In Black Despair
- In Warsaw
- Incantation
- It Was Winter
- Lake
- Late Ripeness
- Love
- Magpiety
- Meaning
- My Faithful Mother Tongue
- Not Mine
- On Angels
- On Prayer
- One More Contradiction
- Preface
- Raja Rao
- Road-Side Dog
- Sarajevo
- Statue Of A Couple
- Study Of Loneliness
- The Dining Room
- The Rising Of The Sun
- The Road
- Theodicy
- To Mrs. Professor In Defense Of My Cat's Honor And Not Only
- Unde Malum
- Veni Seer
- What Does It Mean
- Where The Sun Rises And Where It Sets
- Window
- Winter
- Woe!
- You Who Wronged
- You Whose Name