- A Boy’s Hopes
- A Canadian Snow Fall
- A Canadian Summer Evening
- A Child’s Treasures
- A Few Short Years From Now
- A Girl’s Day Dream And Its Fulfilment
- A Modern Courtship
- A Touching Ceremony
- A Welcome To The Month Of Mary
- A Worldly Death-Bed
- Abraham’s Sacrifice
- After The Ball
- Alain’s Choice
- An Afternoon In July
- An Autumn Evening At Murray Bay
- Ash-Wednesday
- Autumn Winds
- Beneath The Snow
- Bound For California
- Charles Vii And Joan Of Arc At Rheims
- Come, Tell Me Some Olden Story
- Cornelia’s Jewels
- Earth’s Moments Of Gloom
- Far West Emigrant .
- Flirtation
- Flowers And Stars
- Given And Taken
- Harry (Engaged To Be Married) To Charley (Who Is Not)
- Harvests
- Hon. James B. Clay
- Husband And Wife
- In Memory Of The Late G. C. Of Montreal
- Jacques Cartier’s First Visit To Mount Royal
- Looking Forward
- Mater Christianorum, Ora Pro Nobis
- Maude.
- Moonlight Reveries
- My Thoughts To-Night
- Mystical Rose, Pray For Us!
- Nature’s Music
- On Some Rose Leaves Brought From The Vale Of Cashmere
- On The Death Of The Same Revered Nun...
- Our Canadian Woods In Early Autumn
- Our Mountain Cemetery
- Our Saviour And The Samaritan Woman At The Well
- Our Saviour’s Boyhood
- Red Rock Camp
- Rejoicing After The Battle Of Inkerman
- Rich And Poor
- Sea-Shore Musings
- Sister M. B.’s Arrival In Montreal , 1654.
- St. Francis Of Borgia By The Coffin Of Queen Isabel
- St. Ignatius Loyola At The Chapel Of Our Lady Of Montserrat
- The Blind Man Of Jericho
- The Boy’s Appeal
- The Bride Of A Year
- The Child’s Dream
- The Choice Of Sweet Shy Clare
- The Clouds That Promise A Glorious Morrow
- The Death Of The Pauper Child
- The Emigrants’ Monument At Point St. Charles
- The Emigrant’s Address To America
- The Fall Of The Leaf
- The Final Reckoning
- The Four Wishes
- The Garden Of Gethsemane
- The Girl Martyr
- The Hunter And His Dying Steed
- The Huron Chief’s Daughter
- The Lady Of Rathmore Hall
- The Magdalen At The Madonna’s Shrine
- The Maple Tree
- The Old Towers Of Mount Royal, Or Ville Marie
- The Parting Soul And Her Guardian Angel
- The Purification
- The Recollect Church
- The River Saguenay
- The Shepherdess Of The Arno
- The Soldier’s Death
- The Stable Of Bethlehem
- The Sunset Thoughts Of A Dying Child
- The Ten Lepers
- The Transplanted Rose Tree
- The Tryst Of The Sachem’s Daughter
- The Two Birth Nights
- The Vesper Hour
- The Village Girl And Her High-Born Suitor
- The Voices Of The Death Chamber
- The Whispers Of Time
- The White Maiden And The Indian Girl
- The Wood Fairy’s Well
- The Wreath Of Forest Flowers
- The Young Greek Odalisque
- The Young Novice
- Time’s Changes In A Household
- To A Beautiful Child On Her Birthday With A Wreath Of Flowers
- To A Young Girl With An Album
- To A Young Mother On The Birth Of Her First Born Child
- To My First Born
- To My Husband On Our Wedding-Day
- To The Soldiers Of Pius Ninth
- Tribute To The Memory Of The Rev. Sister The Nativity, Foundress Of The Convent Of Villa Maria
- Virgin Of Bethlehem
- Welcome To Our Canadian Spring
- When Will It End?
- Winter In Canada