- A Bed Of Flame
- A Better Woe
- A Nocturn
- A Spring Dirge
- Adele
- Beauty And Pain
- Beneath The Salvias
- Disarmed Desire
- Dissolution
- Ever To Be
- Fardi Wa Nafli
- Gone With The Swallows
- Her First Sorrow
- I Am The East
- In Memory Of E. M. El— K
- In The Meadow
- Independent Blossoms
- It Was All For Him
- Jealousy
- Let Thine Eyes Whisper
- Light
- Lilatu Laili
- Midnight Mood
- My Bornoose
- My Wish
- Near The Cascades
- Nectar And Blood
- O, Give Me Strength To Take
- O, Sweet Sometime
- Onward Keep
- Peasant's Song
- Repentance
- Rest
- Resurrection
- Retribution
- Saada
- Serenade
- Stolen Salvias
- The Brass Bed
- The Flatiron And The Ruins Of Palmyra
- The Fruits Of Death The Fruits
- The Philistine
- The Sister Of Death
- The Tomb And The Rose
- Three Golden Threads
- Thy Smile
- To Abul Alaa
- To The Sonnet
- Unadorned
- Upon The Peak Of Sanneen
- Upon The Threshing-Floor Of Life
- Whirl
- Written After Reading King Lear