- A Flame's In Skies
- A Girl Sang A Song
- All On The Earth
- All Perished, All!
- And I Shall Watch
- Do Neglect All Your Dear Creations
- Do Not Entrust
- Do You Remember?
- Don'T Fear Death
- Flaming Signs Of The Mystery
- From The Twelve
- Gamajun, The Prophetic Bird
- Grass Was Pushing Through
- Halls Grew Darker
- He, Who Was Born
- Here We Live
- I Apprehend You...
- I Know, There's My Death
- I Prefer The Gorgeous Freedom
- I Seek Salvation
- I Slow Was Losing
- I Wait For You...
- I'M Hamlet Now
- I'Ve To Return
- In The Sea Of High Grass
- Into Crimson Dark
- It's Lifted Up
- My Monastery, Where
- My Sweet Friend
- Night, Streets, The Lantern
- On The Field Of Kulicovo
- Servus -- Reginae
- Snow Maiden
- So Melodiously And Airily
- Spring Breaks In Rivers
- Street Circus
- The Artist
- The Death Of Grandfather
- The Earthly Heart
- The Faithless Shadows.
- The Ophelia's Song
- The Scythians
- The Snowy Spring Is Raging Mad
- The Stranger
- The Twelve
- There'Re The Moments
- There's A Morn Demon
- This Night On Track
- Those Born In Obscure Times
- To The Muse
- Unknown Woman
- Why, Why Forever
- You'Re Gone Away