Edward Alan Sullivan was a Canadian poet and author of short stories.
Born in St. George's Rectory, Montreal, Alan Sullivan was the oldest son of Edward Sullivan and Frances Mary Renaud. In 1869, his father became rector of Trinity Church, Chicago. The family moved to the city in 1871, and thus witnessed the Great Chicago Fire. When he was 15, Alan began attending Loretto in Musselburgh, Scotland, a famous school for boys.
On his return to Canada, he attended the School of Practical Science, Toronto. After this he did railway exploration work in the West, and later worked in mining. He was assistant engineer in the Clergue enterprises at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario for a year and a half, before the organization of the Consolidated Lake Superior Company. Subsequently he spent several years as a mining engineer in the Lake of the Woods district during the period of its gold exploitation.
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