- A Poet's Room (Greenwich Village 1912)
- A Sailor's Life
- A Seaman's Confession Of Faith
- A Shining Ship
- A Whaler's Confession
- A Wheat-Field Fantasy
- At Sea I Learned The Weather
- Blind
- Chanteys
- Clipper Days (A Song From Snug Harbor)
- Farewell
- Fo'C'sle Comradeship
- Going Down In Ships
- Good-Bye! (A Chantey To Be Sung At The Capstan)
- Hesperides
- Jim
- Kansas
- Said The Captain To Me
- Sailormen
- Seaside Talkers (Provincetown Summer Of 1917)
- Shanghaied
- Ship's Glamour
- The Beach Comber
- The Chantey Of The Cook (Dithyramb Of A Discontented Crew)
- The Doldrums (A Still-Life Picture)
- The Endless Lure
- The Fog
- The Girl That Married Another Man
- The Hummingbird
- The Remedy
- The Shipwrecked Sailor
- The Unknown
- The Wreck
- Then
- There's Nothing Like A Ship At Sea
- When Ham And Sham And Japhet: A Sailor's Song
- Wind-Jammer's Song (1845 Clipper Days)