- A Funeral Elegy On The Death Of The Lady Penelope Clifton
- A Sonnet
- Ad Comitissam Rutlandiæ
- An Elegy On The Death Of The Virtuous Lady Elizabeth, Countess Of Rutland
- An Elegy On The Lady Markham
- Fie On Love
- In Laudem Authoris.
- Lay A Garland On My Hearse
- Mr. Francis Beaumont's Letter To Ben Jonson
- On The Marriage Of A Beauteous Young Gentlewoman With An Ancient Man
- On The Tombs In Westminster Abbey
- Salmacis And Hermaphroditus.
- The Author To The Reader
- The Conclusion
- The Examination Of His Mistress's Perfections
- The Glance
- The Indifferent
- The Remedy Of Love
- To My Dear Friend M. Ben Jonson, On His Fox
- To My Friend M. Ben Jonson, Upon His Catiline
- To My Friend Mr. John Fletcher, Upon His Faithful Sheperdess
- To The True Patroness Of All Poetry, Calliope
- To The True Patronesse Of All Poetrie,
- True Beauty
- Upon The Silent Woman