- Animal Crackers
- At The Mermaid Caffeteria
- Ballade Of A Horoscope
- Burning Leaves In Spring
- Burning Leaves, November
- Caught In The Undertow
- Dedication For A Fireplace
- Elegy Written In A Country Coal-Bin
- Hymn To The Dairymaids On Beacon Street
- Inscription For A Grammar
- On Naming A House
- Only A Matter Of Time
- Our House
- Reading Aloud
- Scuttle, Scuttle, Little Roach
- Six Weeks Old
- Smells
- Song For A Little House
- Song In A Dentists Chair
- Taking Title
- The Barren Music Of A Word Or Phrase,
- The Church Of Unbent Knees
- The Commercial Traveler
- The Intruder
- The Milkman
- The Music Box
- The Old Swimmer
- The Secret
- The Wedded Lover
- Tit For Tat
- To A Child
- To A Post Office Inkwell
- To You, Remembering The Past
- Two O'Clock
- Washing The Dishes
- When I A Householder Became