- A Bat Flits
- Before The White Chrysanthemum
- Blow Of An Ax
- Blown From The West
- Buying Leeks
- Calligraphy Of Geese
- Coolness
- Dawn
- Early Summer Rain
- Elegy To The Old Man Hokuju
- Evening Wind
- Haiku
- Harvest Moon
- He's On The Porch
- His Holiness The Abbot
- Hokku Poems In Four Seasons
- Light Of The Moon
- Lighting One Candle
- Listening To The Moon
- My Arm For A Pillow
- Not Quite Dark Yet
- Old Well
- Over-Ripe Sushi
- Ploughing The Land
- Sparrow Singing
- Spring Rain
- Straw Sandal Half Sunk
- The Behavior Of The Pigeon
- The End Of Spring
- The Old Man
- The Spring Sea Rising
- The Willow Leaves Fallen
- They End Their Flight
- Tilling the field
- Variations On 'The Short Night--'
- Washing The Hoe
- White Blossoms Of The Pear
- ِA mosquite buzzes