- A Hymn For Christmas Day
- A New Song
- An Excelente Balade Of Charitie: As Wroten Bie The Gode Pri
- Apostate Will
- Battle Of Hastings - I
- Battle Of Hastings - Ii
- Bristowe Tragedie: Or The Dethe Of Syr Charles Badwin
- Chatterton's Will
- Colin Instructed
- Eclogue The First
- Eclogue The Second
- Eclogue The Third
- Eclogues
- Elegy On The Death Of Mr. Phillips
- Elinoure And Juga
- Englysh Metamorphosis
- Epitaph On Robert Canynge
- February
- Goddwyn; A Tragedie
- Heccar And Gaira
- Narva And Mored
- On Happienesse
- On The Last Epiphany (Or Christ Coming To Judgment)
- On The Same (Oure Ladies Chyrche)
- Onn John A Dalbenie
- Onn Oure Ladies Chyrche
- Picture Of Autumn
- Sly Dick
- Song From Aella
- Songe To Aella, Lorde Of The Castel Of Brystowe Ynne Daies Of Yore
- The Accounte Of W. Canynges Feast
- The Advice
- The Churchwarden And The Apparition: A Fable
- The Copernican System
- The Death Of Nicou
- The Gouler's Requiem
- The Methodist
- The Resignation
- The Romance Of The Knight
- The Storie Of William Canynge
- The Tournament. An Interlude
- Ælla, A Tragical Interlude (Excerpt)
- Ælla, A Tragical Interlude - Act I
- Ælla, A Tragical Interlude - Act Ii
- Ælla, A Tragical Interlude - Act Iii
- Ælla, A Tragical Interlude - Act Iv
- Ælla, A Tragical Interlude - Entroductionne