- A Farewell To False Love
- A Literature Lesson. Sir Patrick Spens In The Eighteenth Century Manner
- A Vision Upon The Fairy Queen
- As You Came From The Holy Land
- Epitaph
- Even Such Is Time
- Farewell To The Court
- From Catullus V
- Her Reply
- His Pilgrimage
- Hymn
- If Cynthia Be a Queen
- Life
- My Last Will
- Nature That Washed Her Hands In Milk
- No Pleasure Without Pain
- Now What Is Love
- On Being Challenged To Write An Epigram In The Manner Of Herrick
- Prais'D Be Diana's Fair And Harmless Light
- Sestina Otiosa
- Sir Walter Raleigh To His Son
- Song Of Myself
- Stans Puer Ad Mensam
- The Conclusion
- The Crosse Of Christ
- The Lie
- The Nymph’s Reply To The Shepherd
- The Ocean To Cynthia
- The Passionate Man's Pilgrimage
- The Silent Lover I
- The Silent Lover Ii
- To A Lady With An Unruly And Ill-Mannered Dog Who Bit Several Persons Of Importance
- To His Love When He Had Obtained Her
- What Is Our Life