- A Burnt Ship
- A Dialogue Between Sir Henry Wootton And Mr. Donne
- A Fever
- A Hymn To Christ At The Author's Last Going Into Germany
- A Hymn To God The Father
- A Jet Ring Sent
- A Lame Beggar
- A Lecture Upon The Shadow
- A Licentious Person
- A Litany
- A Nocturnal Upon St. Lucy's Day, Being The Shortest Day
- A Self Accuser
- A Sheaf Of Snakes Used Heretofore To Be My Seal, The Crest Of Our Poor Family
- A Valediction Of Weeping
- A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
- A Valediction: Of Weeping
- Air And Angels
- An Anatomy Of The World...
- An Obscure Writer
- Annunciation
- Antiquary
- Ascension
- At The Round Earth's Imagin'D Corners
- Break Of Day
- Community
- Confined Love
- Crucifying
- Daybreak
- Death Be Not Proud
- Disinherited
- Eclogue
- Elegy I: Jealousy
- Elegy Ii: The Anagram
- Elegy Iii: Change
- Elegy Iv: The Perfume
- Elegy Ix: The Autumnal
- Elegy V: His Picture
- Elegy Vi
- Elegy Vii
- Elegy Viii: The Comparison
- Elegy X: The Dream
- Elegy Xi: The Bracelet
- Elegy Xii
- Elegy Xiii: His Parting From Her
- Elegy Xiv: Julia
- Elegy Xix: To His Mistress Going To Bed
- Elegy Xvi: On His Mistress
- Elegy Xvi: The Expostulation
- Elegy Xvii: On His Mistress
- Elegy Xviii: Love's Progress
- Elegy Xx (Alternate) Love's War
- Elegy:The End Of Funeral Elegies
- Epithalamion Made At Lincoln's Inn
- Fall Of A Wall
- Farewell To Love
- For Whom The Bell Tolls
- From ‘the Cross’
- Go And Catch A Falling Star
- Good Friday
- Good Friday, 1613. Riding Westward
- Good Morrow
- Hero And Leander
- Holy Sonnet ?
- Holy Sonnet I: Thou Hast Made Me
- Holy Sonnet Ii: As Due By Many Titles
- Holy Sonnet Ii: As Due By Many Titles I Resign
- Holy Sonnet Iii: O Might Those Sighes
- Holy Sonnet Iv: Oh My Black Soul!
- Holy Sonnet Ix: If Poisonous Minerals, And If That Tree
- Holy Sonnet V: I Am A Little World
- Holy Sonnet V: I Am A Little World Made Cunningly
- Holy Sonnet Vi: This Is My Playes Last Scene
- Holy Sonnet Vii: At The Round Earth's
- Holy Sonnet Vii: At The Round Earth's Imagined Corners Blow
- Holy Sonnet Viii: If Faithful Souls Be Alike Glorified
- Holy Sonnet Viii: If Faithfull Soules
- Holy Sonnet X
- Holy Sonnet X: Death Be Not Proud
- Holy Sonnet Xi: Spit In My Face You Jewes
- Holy Sonnet Xi: Spit In My Face You Jews, And Pierce My Side
- Holy Sonnet Xi: Spit In My Face You Jews, And Pierce My Side
- Holy Sonnet Xii: Why Are We
- Holy Sonnet Xii: Why Are We By All Creatures Waited On?
- Holy Sonnet Xiii: What If This Present
- Holy Sonnet Xiii: What If This Present Were The World's Last Night?
- Holy Sonnet Xiv
- Holy Sonnet Xiv: Batter My Heart
- Holy Sonnet Xix: Oh, To Vex Me
- Holy Sonnet Xix: Oh, To Vex Me, Contraries Meet In One
- Holy Sonnet Xix: Oh, To Vex Me, Contraries Meet In One
- Holy Sonnet Xv: Wilt Thou Love God
- Holy Sonnet Xv: Wilt Thou Love God, As He Thee? Then Digest
- Holy Sonnet Xvi: Father
- Holy Sonnet Xvi: Father, Part Of His Double Interest
- Holy Sonnet Xvii: Since She Whom I Loved
- Holy Sonnet Xviii: Show Me, Dear Christ
- Holy Sonnet Xviii: Show Me, Dear Christ, Thy Spouse, So Bright And Clear
- Holy Sonnets: Since She Whom I Lov'D Hath Paid Her Last Debt
- Hym To God, My God In My Sickness
- Klockius
- La Corona
- Love's Alchemy
- Love's Deity
- Love's Diet
- Love's Exchange
- Love's Growth
- Love's Infiniteness
- Love's Usury
- Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus
- Nativity
- Negative Love
- Niobe
- No Man Is An Island
- Ode
- Oh My Blacke Soule! Now Thou Art Summoned
- On The Lady Elizabeth, And Count Palatine Being Married On St. Valentine's Day
- On The Progress Of The Soul...
- Phryne
- Psalme Cxxxvii.
- Pyramus And Thisbe
- Raderus
- Ralphius
- Ressurection
- Resurrection, Imperfect
- Satire I
- Satire Ii
- Satire Iii
- Satire Iv
- Satire V
- Self-Love
- Song
- Song: Go And Catch A Falling Star
- Sonnet Cycle For Lady Magdalen
- Sweetest Love, I Do Not Go
- Temple
- That Time And Absence Proves Rather Helps Than Hurts To Loves
- The Anniversary
- The Annunciation And Passion
- The Apparition
- The Bait
- The Blossom
- The Broken Heart
- The Calm
- The Canonization
- The Computation
- The Curse
- The Damp
- The Dissolution
- The Dream
- The Ecstasy
- The Expiration
- The Flea
- The Funerall
- The Harbinger
- The Indifferent
- The Legacy
- The Message
- The Paradox
- The Primrose
- The Prohibition
- The Relic
- The Soule
- The Sun Rising
- The Token
- The Triple Fool
- The Undertaking
- The Will
- To George Herbert,
- To His Mistress Going To Bed
- To Mr. I. P.
- To Mr. Rowland Woodward
- To Mr. Samuel Brooke
- To Mr. Tilman After He Had Taken Orders
- To Mr.I.L.
- To Mr.T.W.
- To Sir Henry Goodyere
- To Sir Henry Wotton
- To Sir Henry Wotton At His Going Ambassador To Venice
- To Sir Henry Wotton Ii
- To The Countess Of Bedford I
- To The Countess Of Bedford Ii
- To The Earl Of Doncaster
- To The Lady Magdalen Herbert, Of St. Mary Magdalen
- To The Praise Of The Dead And The Anatomy
- Translated Out Of Gazaeus,
- Twickenham Garden
- Upon The Translation Of The Psalms By Sir Philip Sidney And The Countess Of Pembroke, His Sister
- Valediction To His Book
- Witchcraft By A Picture
- Woman's Constancy