- A Banjo Song
- A Mid-Day Dreamer
- A Poet To His Baby Son
- An Explanation
- And The Greatest Of These Is War
- Beauty That Is Never Old
- Before A Painting
- Brer Rabbit You's De Cutes' Of 'Em All
- Brothers
- Dat Gal O' Mine
- De Little Pickaninny's Gone To Sleep
- Deep In The Quiet Wood
- Down By The Carib Sea
- Father, Father Abraham
- Fifty Years (1863-1913)
- Fragment
- From The German Of Uhland
- From The Spanish
- From The Spanish Of Placido
- Ghosts Of The Old Year
- Girl Of Fifteen
- Go Down, Death
- Her Eyes Twin Pools
- I Hear The Stars Still Singing
- July In Georgy
- Lazy
- Life
- Lift Every Voice And Sing
- Listen, Lord: A Prayer
- Ma Lady's Lips Am Like De Honey
- Morning, Noon And Night
- Mother Night
- Nobody's Lookin' But De Owl An' De Moon
- O Black And Unknown Bards
- O Southland!
- Omar
- Possum Song
- Prayer At Sunrise
- Sence You Went Away
- Sleep
- Sonnet
- The Awakening
- The Black Mammy
- The Color Sergeant
- The Creation
- The Ghost Of Deacon Brown
- The Gift To Sing
- The Glory Of The Day Was In Her Face
- The Prodigal Son
- The Reward
- The Rivals
- The Seasons
- The Suicide
- The Temptress
- The White Witch
- The Word Of An Engineer
- The Young Warrior
- To America
- To Horace Bumstead
- Vashti
- Venus In The Garden
- Voluptas
- You's Sweet To Yo' Mammy De Same