- A Song To Amoret
- And Do They So?
- Anguish
- As Time One Day By Me Did Pass
- Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophiae : Liber 2. Metrum 5
- Childhood
- Christ's Nativity
- Cock-Crowing
- Come, Come ! What Do I Here?
- Content
- Corruption
- Death. A Dialogue
- Etesia Absent
- I Walk'D The Other Day
- Joy Of My Life While Left Me Here!
- Love And Discipline
- Man
- Midnight
- Mount Of Olives (I)
- Peace
- Quickness
- Regeneration
- Retirement
- Rules And Lessons
- Silence And Stealth Of Days
- Son-Days
- Sweet Empty Sky Of June Without A Stain,
- The Bird
- The Book
- The Call
- The Daughter Of Herodias
- The Dawning
- The Dedication
- The Dwelling-Place
- The Evening-Watch: A Dialogue
- The Incarnation, And Passion
- The Morning-Watch
- The Nativity
- The Night
- The Pursuit
- The Relapse
- The Retreat
- The Revival
- The Shepherds
- The Shower (I)
- The Star
- The Storm
- The Timber
- The True Christians
- The Water-Fall
- The World
- They Are All Gone Into The World Of Light
- Thou That Know'st For Whom I Mourn
- Unprofitableness
- Upon The Priory Grove, His Usual Retirement
- Vain Wits And Eyes
- Vanity Of Spirit