Farewell, My Loved One!

Round me now, beneath the weeping willow,
Night's refreshing breezes blow;
Anguish drove me from a sleepless pillow
Hours and hours ago.
You, and you alone, may know my sorrow--
You, my confidante of yore--
You, my loved one, when I must, tomorrow
Lose forever more!

Farewell, my loved one!
Yet once more
Let me press you to my heart;
Once, our Fate, with cruel fingers,
Tears our souls apart.

Though you may forget it, I remember--
Yes! for sweet it was to know--
What you told me in that dear December,
Years and years ago.
Whisper once again a truth so cheering,
Would you not those words deny;
And the sound shall linger in my hearing,
Even till I die.

Fondly let the last adieu be spoken,
Since we must our dreams dismiss;
These heart-linklets, since they must be broken
Break them with a kiss.
Then, though bitter tears will still be flowing,
One sweet confort may I claim,
As I walk this world of changes--knowing
You are still the same.

While my treasure I relinquish, let me
Wish you heart-wealth that endures;
Even should you by and by forget me,
Faithful friends be yours.
May you never know a life so lonely,
Or a sky so dark above!
May you never having one love only,
Lose that only love!

Come To Me, Sunbeam! I'M Dying

Come to me, Sunbeam! I'm dying
Uncared for, distress'd and alone.
Even now the pale angel with icy hand seizes
The heart that throbb'd along with your own.
Darling! delay not; for enginewheel stay not;
But wing'd by love, fly to my side:
Swift as the morning-beams fly, or I may not
Your coming abide.

Bring the calm joy of your presence--
To a chill'd heart the warmth of your love;
With a glance of these dear eyes this darkness illumine,
Until there comes light from above.
Eyes that shine clearest, with language sincerest,
Come speak me forgiven and bless'd:
Would you refuse me, my chosen! my dearest!
This dying request?

Still for your footsteps I listen;
Each momemt I listen and long
For the voice that might break this dead silence with music
As sweet as an angelic song.
Can you not hear me? Oh will you not cheer me,
At least with one loving adieu?
Yield me how can I when you are not near me?
I'm dying for you.

One in this world, and one only,
Could soothe me, could comfort me now;
Charm'd away were my anguish and you here beside me,
Your gentle hand laid on my brow.
Come, I entrust you! If once I might meet you--
Sweet Sunbeam! what doubts you dispel!
Clasp my hand; kiss me, love! so will I greet you
In Heaven ... Farewell!

Sweet Echo Dell

"Three there were that left my cot;
Two are here, and one is not;
Why does Willie linger? Say, can you tell?"

"He was weary by the way;
When we came he could but stay
In the shady grove at Sweet Echo Dell."

Echo Dell! (Echo Dell!) Echo Dell! (Echo Dell!)
It was there we softly said "Farewell!" ("Farewell!")
And the towering granite crest
Nobly guards his place rest,
Near the lovely lake of Sweet Echo Dell.

"Is he laden well with gold?
Does he bring me wealth untold?
Why then does he linger? Say can you tell?"

"All his treasures are above;
All he sent you was his love,
With a whispered prayer from Sweet Echo Dell."

Coming homeward, does he sing
Like a lark upon the wing?
Why then does he linger? Say, can you tell?"

Naught is heard but rippling waves,
Warbling birds, and shouting braves;
Silent is his voice in Sweet Echo Dell."

"Is he coming by-and-by?
May I bless him ere I die?
Why then does he linger? Say, can you tell?"

"Mirrored in that mountain lake,
Heaven is near, and he will wake
Never elsewhere than in Sweet Echo Dell."

"Would you crush my only joy?
Surely I shall meet my boy;
When then does he linger? Say, can you tell?"

"Never will his weary feet
Travel more, yet may soon meet
When your soul floats over Sweet Echo Dell."