Washington And Lincoln

Come, happy people! Oh come let us tell
The story of Washinton and Lincoln!
History's pages can never excel
The story of Washington and Lincoln.
Down through the ages an anthem shall go,
Bearing the honors we gladly bestow--
Till every nation and language shall know
The story of Washington and Lincoln:

Who gave us independence,
On our continent and sea
Who saved the glorious Union!
And set a people free!
This is the story--
Oh happy are we--
The story of Washington and Lincoln.

Parents to children shall tell with delight,
The story of Washington and Lincoln;
Free born and freed men together recite
The story of Washinton and Lincoln.
Earth's weary bond men shall listen with cheer--
Tyrants shall tremble, and traitors shall fear--
When, in it's fullness of glory, they hear
The story of Washington and Lincoln:

Though on the war cloud recorded with steel,
The story of Washington and Lincoln;
Peace only Peace, can completely reveal
The story of Washington and Lincoln.
Thanks to the Lord for the days we behold!
Thanks for the unsullied flag we unfold!
Thanks to us, and in our time, was told
The story of Washington and Lincoln.

Columbia's Guardian Angels

An echo floats down from the mountains,
And finds on the prairies release;
An echo whose wonderful burden
Is "Victory! Liberty! Peace!"

The glorious trio, behold they are comming!
Their heralds are standing e'en now at the door:
[Are coming, are coming, are coming, are coming once more.]

Go tell the lone watchers of earth, they are coming
To bless us -- be with us -- forsake us no more.
[Are coming, are coming, are coming, are coming once more.]

"Glory to God in the highest!"
And the people shall answer "Amen!"
Columbia's Guardian Angels
Return to their empire again.

The banner hangs high in the heavens,
The beacon commences to burn;
The shout of the freedman goes upward,
To welcome their waited return.

The stronghold of Tyranny trembles --
Her minions retire in dismay,
Like spectors that fade in the darkness,
Before the arrival of day.

They bring us the place among nations,
Our ancestors gave us before;
The birthright that some would have barter'd,
They now in its fullness restore.

They bring us the blessing of blessings,
Which few were looking to see --
A firm and unchangeable Union,
In fact, as in theory, free!

Marching Through Georgia

Bring the good old bugle, boys! we'll sing another song --
Sing it with a spirit that will start the world along --
Sing it as we used to sing it fifty thousand strong,
While we were marching through Georgia.

"Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the Jubile!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!"
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea,
While we were marching through Georgia.

How the darkeys shouted when they heard the joyful sound!
How the turkeys gobbled which our commissary found!
How the sweet potatoes even started from the ground,
While we were marching through Georgia.

"Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the Jubile!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!"
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea,
While we were marching through Georgia.

Yes, and there were Union men who wept with joyful tears,
When they saw the honor'd flag they had not seen for years;
Hardly could they be restrained from breaking forth in cheers,
While we were marching through Georgia.

"Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the Jubile!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!"
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea,
While we were marching through Georgia.

"Sherman's dashing Yankee boys will never reach the coast!"
So the saucy rebels said, and 'twas a hand some boast,
Had they not forgot, alas! to reckon with the host,
While we were marching through Georgia.

"Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the Jubile!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!"
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea,
While we were marching through Georgia.

So we made a thoroughfare for Freedom and her train,
Sixty miles in latitude -- three hundred to the main;
Treason fled before us for resistance was in vain,
While we were marching through Georgia.

"Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the Jubile!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!"
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea,
While we were marching through Georgia.