- A Departing Dirge
- A Song
- A-Shelling Peas
- An Enthusiastic Sportsman Enthuses
- At Last
- At The River-Crossing
- Behind The Bar - A Desecration Of Tennyson
- Brigalow Mick
- Butchered To Make A Dutchman's Holiday
- Corn Medicine
- Envoi
- His Masterpiece
- Love Outlasteth All
- Much A Little While
- Night Thought
- Paddy Magee
- Short Shrift
- Since The Country Carried Sheep
- Sir Walter (Revised)
- Some Other Somebody
- Summer Midnight
- The Day That Is Dead
- The Devoutly Thankful Lover
- The Nights At Rocky Bar
- The Reprobate's Reply
- The Wooing O' T
- To A Silent Girl
- To The Rev. Canon Fisher
- Too Much Light
- Two Gossips
- West By North Again
- Westward Ho!
- When The Light Is As Darkness
- While Yet We May
- Who's Riding Old Harlequin Now?