- A Vision of the Mermaids
- Andromeda
- As Kingfishers Catch Fire
- Ash-Boughs
- At The Wedding-March
- Barnfloor And Winepress
- Binsey Poplars
- Brothers
- Carrion Comfort
- Cheery Beggar
- Duns Scotus's Oxford
- Easter Communion
- Epithalamion
- Felix Randal
- For A Picture Of St. Dorothea
- God's Grandeur
- Heaven-Haven
- Henry Purcell
- Hope Holds To Christ
- I Wake And Feel The Fell Of Dark
- In Honour Of St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
- In The Valley Of The Elwy
- Inversnaid
- It Was A Hard Thing To Undo This Knot
- Let Me Be To Thee As The Circling Bird
- Love Preparing To Fly
- May Magnificat
- Moonless Darkness Stands Between
- Moonrise
- My Own Heart Let Me Have More Have Pity On; Let
- My Own Heart Let Me More Have Pity On
- No Worst, There Is None
- On The Portrait Of Two Beautiful Young People
- Patience, Hard Thing! The Hard Thing But To Pray
- Peace
- Penmaen Pool
- Pied Beauty
- Repeat That, Repeat
- Ribblesdale
- Spelt From Sibyl's Leaves
- Spring
- Spring And Fall: To A Young Child
- St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
- St. Winefred's Well
- Strike, Churl
- Summa
- The Alchemist In The City
- The Blessed Virgin Compared To The Air We Breathe
- The Bugler's First Communion
- The Caged Skylark
- The Candle Indoors
- The Furl Of Fresh-Leaved Dogrose Down
- The Habit Of Perfection
- The Half-Way House
- The Handsome Heart
- The Lantern Out Of Doors
- The Leaden Echo And The Golden Echo
- The Loss Of The Eurydice
- The May Magnificat
- The Sea And The Skylark
- The Sea Took Pity
- The Shepherd’s Brow, Fronting Forked Lightning, Owns
- The Silver Jubilee
- The Soldier
- The Starlight Night
- The Times Are Nightfall
- The Windhover
- The Woodlark
- The Wreck Of The Deutschland
- Thee, God, I Come From
- Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord, If I Contend
- To A Young Child
- To Him Who Ever Thought With Love Of Me
- To His Watch
- To R.B.
- To Seem The Stranger Lies My Lot, My Life
- To What Serves Mortal Beauty?
- Tom's Garland
- What Being In Rank-Old Nature
- What Shall I Do For The Land That Bred Me