- "Booh!"
- "Lollyby, Lolly, Lollyby"
- A Chaucerian Paraphrase Of Horace
- A Christmas Wish
- A Democratic Hymn
- A Dream Of Sunshine
- A Drinking Song
- A Fickle Woman
- A Heine Love Song
- A Lullaby
- A Paraphrase
- A Paraphrase Of Heine
- A Paraphrase, By Chaucer
- A Paraphrase, By Dr. I.W.
- A Paraphrase, Circa 1715
- A Piteous Plaint
- A Proper Trewe Idyll Of Camelot
- A Rhine-Land Drinking Song
- A Roman Winter-Piece
- A Spring Poem From Bion
- A Tardy Apology
- A Valentine
- A Valentine To My Wife
- Abu Midjan
- After Reading Trollope's History Of Florence
- Ailsie, My Bairn
- Alaskan Balladry
- Alaskan Balladry, No.1
- An Autumn Treasure-Trove
- An Eclogue From Virgil
- An Invitation To Maecenas
- An Ode To Fortune
- Apple-Pie And Cheese
- Armenian Folk-Song--The Partridge
- Armenian Folk-Song--The Stork
- Armenian Lullaby
- Ashes On The Slide
- At Cheyenne
- At Play
- At The Door
- Ballad Of The Jelly-Cake
- Ballad Of Women I Love
- Bambino (Corsican Lullaby)
- Be My Sweetheart
- Beard And Baby
- Ben Apfelgarten
- Beranger's
- Béranger's "Broken Fiddle"
- Beranger's My Last Song Perhaps (January 1814)
- Bethlehem-Town
- Boccaccio
- By My Sweetheart
- Casey's Table D'Hote
- Chicago Weather
- Child And Mother
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Eve 1914
- Christmas Hymn
- Christmas Morning
- Christmas Treasures
- Chrystmasse Of Olde
- Clare Market
- Cobbler And Stork
- Consistency
- Contentment
- Cornish Lullaby
- De Amicitiis
- Dead Roses
- Dear Old London
- Der Mann Im Keller
- Dibdin's Ghost
- Doctor Rabelais
- Dr. Sam
- Dutch Lullaby
- Echoes From The Sabine Farm
- Ed
- Envoy
- Epilogue
- Fame _Vs._ Riches
- Father's Letter
- Fiddle-Dee-Dee
- Fisherman Jim's Kids
- Francois Villon
- Ganderfeather's Gift
- Garden And Cradle
- Gold And Love For Dearie
- Good-Bye--God Bless You!
- Good-Children Street
- Googly-Go0
- Guess
- Heine's "Widow Or Daughter?"
- Hi-Spy
- Horace And Lydia Reconciled
- Horace I, 22.
- Horace I, 31.
- Horace I, 4.
- Horace Ii, 13.
- Horace Ii, 3.
- Horace Iii. 13
- Horace To His Lute
- Horace To Maecenas
- Horace To Melpomene
- Horace To Phyllis
- Horace To Pyrrha
- Horatian Lyrics Odes I, 11.
- Horatian Lyrics Odes I, 23.
- How Salty Win Out
- Hugo's "Flower To Butterfly"
- Hugo's "Pool In The Forest"
- Hymn
- In Flanders
- In New Orleans
- In Praise Of Contentment
- In The Firelight
- In The Springtime
- Inscription For My Little Son's Silver Plate
- It Is The Printer's Fault
- Japanese Lullaby
- Jennie
- Jessie
- Jest 'Fore Christmas
- Jewish Lullaby
- John Smith
- Kissing Time
- Krinken
- Lady Button-Eyes
- Let Us Have Peace
- Little All-Aloney
- Little Boy Blue
- Little Croodlin Doo
- Little Mack
- Little Miss Brag
- Little Willie
- Little-Oh Dear
- Long Ago
- Long Meter
- Love Song--Heine
- Lullaby; By The Sea
- Lydia Dick
- Lyman, Frederick, And Jim
- Madge: Ye Hoyden
- Marcus Varro
- Marthy's Younkit
- Mary Smith
- Mediaeval Eventide Song
- Mortality
- Mother And Child
- Mother And Sphinx
- Mr. Dana, Of The New York Sun
- My Garden
- My Playmates
- Mysterious Doings
- New-Year's Eve
- Nightfall In Dordrecht
- Norse Lullaby
- Old Dutch Love Song
- Old English Lullaby
- Old Spanish Song
- Orkney Lullaby
- Our Biggest Fish
- Our Lady Of The Mine
- Our Two Opinions
- Over The Hills And Far Away
- Pan Liveth
- Picnic-Time
- Pittypat And Tippytoe
- Plaint Of The Missouri 'Coon In The Berlin Zoological Gardens
- Prof. Vere De Blaw
- Quitting Again
- Sailor And Shade
- Seein' Things
- Shuffle-Shoon And Amber-Locks
- Sicilian Lullaby
- Sister's Cake
- So, So, Rock-A-By So!
- Soldier, Maiden, And Flower
- Some Time
- Star Of The East
- Stoves And Sunshine
- Summer Heat
- Suppose
- Swing High And Swing Low
- The "Happy Isles" Of Horace
- The Ballad Of The Taylor Pup
- The Bench-Legged Fyce
- The Bibliomaniac's Bride
- The Bibliomaniac's Prayer
- The Bibliomaniac's's Prayer
- The Blue And Gray
- The Bottle And The Bird
- The Bottle Tree
- The Bow-Leg Boy
- The Broken Ring
- The Brook
- The Convalescent Gripster
- The Conversazzhony
- The Cunnin' Little Thing
- The Dead Babe
- The Death Of Robin Hood
- The Delectable Ballad Of The Waller Lot
- The Dinkey Bird
- The Discreet Collector
- The Divine Lullaby
- The Doll's Wooing
- The Dream-Ship
- The Dreams
- The Drum
- The Duel
- The Dying Year
- The Fly-Away Horse
- The Great Journalist In Spain
- The Happy Household
- The Happy Isles
- The Humming Top
- The Jaffa And Jerusalem Railway
- The Limitations Of Youth
- The Little Peach
- The Lyttel Boy
- The Night Wind
- The Old Homestead
- The Perpetual Wooing
- The Peter-Bird
- The Poet's Metamorphosis
- The Preference Declared
- The Reconciliation
- The Ride To Bumpville
- The Rock-A-By Lady
- The Shut-Eye Train
- The Singing In God's Acre
- The Sleeping Child
- The Song Of Luddy-Dud
- The Stoddards
- The Stork
- The Straw Parlor
- The Sugar-Plum Tree
- The Three Kings Of Cologne
- The Three Tailors
- The Tin Bank
- The Truth About Hhorace
- The Twenty-Third Psalm
- The Two Coffins
- The Two Little Skeezucks
- The Vision Of The Holy Grail
- The Wanderer
- The Wind
- The Wooing Of The Southland
- Thirty-Nine
- To A Bully
- To A Jar Of Wine
- To A Soubrette
- To A Usurper
- To Albius Tibullus
- To Aristius Fuscus
- To Chloe
- To Cinna
- To De Witt Miller
- To Emma Abbott
- To His Lute
- To John J. Knickerbocker, Jr.
- To Leuconoee
- To Ligurinus
- To Lydia
- To M.L. Gray,
- To Maecenas
- To Mary Field French
- To Mother Venus
- To Pompeius Varus
- To Quintus Dellius
- To Quintus Hirpinus
- To Robin Goodfellow
- To The Fountain Of Bandusia
- To Venus
- Twin Idols
- Two Idylls From Bion The Smyrnean
- Two Valentines
- Uhland's
- Uhland's
- Uhland's White Stag
- When I Was A Boy
- When The Poet Came
- Wine, Women, And Song
- Winfreda
- With Brutus In St. Jo
- With Trumpet And Drum
- With Two Spoons For Two Spoons
- Wynken, Blynken, And Nod
- Yvytot