- A Child’s Smile
- A Christmas Carol
- A Dead Baby
- A Dead Sea-Gull
- A Dream Of Death
- A Dream Of Resurrection
- A Fable
- A Flower Of A Day
- A German Student’s Funeral Hymn
- A Ghost At The Dancing
- A Hymn For Christmas Morning
- A Lancashire Doxology
- A Living Picture
- A Man’s Wooing
- A Marriage-Table
- A Psalm For New Year’s Eve
- A Question
- A Rejected Lover
- A Silly Song
- A Sketch
- A Spirit Present
- A Stream’s Singing
- A True Hero
- A Valentine
- A Winter Walk
- A Word In Season
- After Sunset
- An Aurora Borealis
- An Evening Guest
- An Honest Valentine
- An Old Idea
- Angel Faces
- At Even-Tide
- At Last
- At The Linn-Side
- At The Seaside
- Beatrice To Dante
- Benedetta Minelli
- Between Two Worlds
- Buried To-Day
- By The Alma River
- Cathair Fhargus
- Coeur De Lion
- Constancy In Inconstancy
- Cousin Robert
- Dante To Beatrice
- David’s Child
- Day By Day
- Edenland
- Eudoxia. First Picture
- Eudoxia. Second Picture
- Eudoxia. Third Picture
- Faithful In Vanity-Fair
- Fallen In The Night!
- Fishermen—not Of Galilee
- For Music
- Four Years
- Grace Of Clydeside
- Green Things Growing
- Guns Of Peace
- Her Likeness
- Her Likeness
- Immutable
- In Memoriam
- In Our Boat
- In The Junetwilight
- Labor Is Prayer
- Leonora
- Lettice
- Life Returning
- Living: After A Death
- Looking Death In The Face
- Looking East
- Lost In The Mist
- Mary’s Wedding
- Michael The Archangel
- Mine
- Moon-Struck
- Mortality
- My Christian Name
- My Friend
- My Love Annie
- North Wind
- Now And Afterwards
- October
- On The Cliff-Top
- One Summer Morning
- Only A Dream
- Only A Woman
- Our Father’s Business:
- Outward Bound
- Over The Hillside
- Over The Hills And Far Away
- Parables
- Passion Past
- Philip, My King
- Plighted
- Resigning
- Rothesay Bay
- Saint Elizabeth Of Bohemia
- Semper Fidelis
- Sitting On The Shore
- Summer Gone
- Sunday Morning Bells
- The Aurora On The Clyde
- The Canary In His Cage
- The Cathedral Tombs
- The Dead Czar
- The First Waits
- The Garden-Chair
- The Golden Island: Arran From Ayr
- The Good Of It
- The House Of Clay
- The Human Temple
- The Lost Piece Of Silver
- The Mill
- The Mother’s Visit
- The Night Before The Mowing
- The Path Through The Corn
- The Path Through The Snow
- The Planting
- The Unfinished Book
- The Unknown Country
- The Voice Calling
- The Wind At Night
- The Wren’s Nest
- Thoughts In A Wheat-Field
- To A Beautiful Woman
- To My Godchild Alice
- Too Late
- Too Late
- Twilight In The North
- Until Her Death
- Violets
- Westward Ho!
- When Green Leaves Come Again
- Will Sail Tomorrow
- Winter Moonlight
- Year After Year: A Love Song.