- A Poet's Home
- A Basket Of Summer Fruit
- A Coast View
- A Dream Of The Orient
- A Flight Of Wild Ducks
- A Hunter's Indian Dove
- A Lament
- A Love Fancy
- A Midsummer Noon In The Australian Forest
- A Poet To...
- A Similitude
- A Sonnet Dedicated To Sir George Gipps
- A Storm In The Mountains
- Absence
- An Aboriginal Mothers's Lament
- An Anthem For The Australasian League
- Andrew Marvell
- Asking In Vain
- Australia's First Great Poet
- Burns
- Bush Justice
- Change And Death
- Coleridge's Cristabel
- Collins
- Consolation
- Cora
- Could We As Mortals
- Dawn In The Mountains
- Description Of A Tropical Island
- Dora
- Downward, Through The Blooming Roofage
- Dreams Of The Beloved
- Early Summer
- Ecce Homo
- Emblems
- Eva Gray
- Finality
- Forward Ho!
- Fragments From 'Genius Lost'
- Freedom In Faith
- Gray
- Greatness
- Hope On
- How Full Of God
- Humanity
- John Heki
- Joshua
- Life And Death
- Like Him Who Great Reports Of Tilth Rejects
- Love
- Love Sonnets
- Love, Dreaming Of Death
- Marvellous Martin
- Mary Arden
- Memory's Genesis
- Modern Poetry
- Monodies
- Morning
- Music
- My Political Belief
- Ned Connor
- Never Mind
- Onward
- Outward Bound
- Poetry
- Poetry And Prose
- Records Of Romantic Passion
- Regret
- Shakespeare
- Song
- Song!
- Sonnet
- The Anchor
- The Babylonian Captivity
- The Battle Of Life
- The Bush Fire
- The Cloud
- The Creek Of The Four Graves
- The Creek Of The Four Graves [late Version]
- The Death Of Shelley
- The Death Of Sisera
- The Dream By The Fountain
- The Drowned Alive
- The Drunkard
- The Emigrant's Vision
- The End Of The Book
- The Flight Of Peace
- The Forgotten
- The Home Of Peace
- The Hunter's Indian Dove
- The Ideal
- The Master Mariner’s Song
- The Nevers Of Poetry
- The Past
- The Tear
- The Temperance Movement
- The Tower Of The Dream
- The Tree Of Liberty
- The Verse Of Coleridge’s ‘christobel’
- The Vision Of The Rock
- The Voice Of The Swamp Oak
- The Witch Of Hebron
- This Southern Land Of Ours
- To -
- To An Echo On The Banks Of The Hunter
- To Doctor Lang
- To James Norton Esq.
- To Mary
- To My First Born
- To My Young Countryman D.H.D.
- To Poesy
- To The Comet Of 1843
- To The Moon
- To The Moon [earlier Version]
- To The Rev. John Saunders On His Departure For England
- To ——
- Trust In God
- Virginal Love
- Wellington
- Words
- Wordsworth
- Yes