- A Dialogue Between Old England And New
- A Letter To Her Husband
- A Love Letter To Her Husband
- An Apology
- An Epitaph On My Dear And Ever Honoured Mother Mrs. Dorothy Dudley, Who Deceased Decemb. 27. 1643. A
- Another
- Another (Ii)
- As Spring The Winter Doth Succeed
- As Weary Pilgrim, Now At Rest
- Author To Her Book, The
- Before The Birth Of One Of Her Children
- By Night When Others Soundly Slept
- Childhood
- Contemplations
- Davids Lamentation For Saul And Jonathan.
- Deliverance From A Fit Of Fainting
- Deliverance From Another Sore Fit
- Epitaphs
- Flesh And The Spirit, The
- For Deliverance From A Feaver.
- For The Restoration Of My Dear Husband From A Burning Ague, June, 1661.
- Here Follow Several Occasional Meditations
- Here Follows Some Verses Upon The Burning Of Our House
- In Honour Of That High And Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth
- In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet
- In My Solitary Hours In My Dear Husband His Absence
- In Reference To Her Children
- In Thankful Remembrance
- Meditations Divine And Moral
- My Thankfull Heart With Glorying Tongue
- Of The Four Ages Of Man
- Of The Four Humours In Mans Constitution.
- On My Dear Grand-Child Simon Bradstreet, Who Dyed On 16. Novemb. 1669. Being But A Moneth, And One D
- On My Son's Return Out Of England, July 17, 1661.
- Spirit
- The Author To Her Book
- The Flesh And The Spirit
- The Four Ages Of Man: 03 - Youth
- The Four Ages Of Man: 04 - Middle Age
- The Four Ages Of Man: 05 - Old Age
- The Four Elements.
- The Four Monarchyes, The Assyrian Being The First, Beginning Under Nimrod, 131. Years After The Floo
- The Four Seasons Of The Year.
- The Prologue
- The Romane Monarchy, Being The Fourth And Last, Beginninganno Mundi , 3213.
- The Third Monarchy, Being The Grecian, Beginning Under Alexander The Great In The 112. Olympiad.
- The Vanity Of All Worldly Things
- To Her Father With Some Verses
- To Her Most Honoured Father Thomas Dudley Esq; These Humbly Presented.
- To My Dear And Loving Husband
- To My Dear Children.
- To The Memory Of My Dear And Ever Honoured Father Thomas Dudley Esq; Who Deceased, July 31. 1653. An
- To The Memory Of My Dear Daughter In Law, Mrs. Mercy Bradstreet, Who Deceased Sept. 6. 1669. In The
- Upon A Fit Of Sickness
- Upon My Daughter Hannah Wiggin Her Recouery From A Dangerous Feaver.
- Upon My Dear And Loving Husband His Going Into England Jan. 16, 1661
- Upon My Son Samuel His Goeing For England, Novem. 6, 1657.
- Upon Some Distemper Of Body
- Vanity Of All Worldly Things, The
- Verses Upon The Burning Of Our House, July 18th, 1666
- We May Live Together
- What God Is Like To Him I Serve