Believe and Live

When the Saviour said ''Tis finished,'
Everything was fully done;
Done as God himself would have it -
Christ the victory had won.
Vain and futile the endeavour
To improve or add thereto;
God's free grace is thus commended-
To 'believe,' and not 'to do.'

All the doing is completed,
Now 'tis 'look, believe and live:'
None can purchase his salvation,
Life's a gift that God must give;
Grace, through righteousness, is reigning,
Not of works lest man should boast:
Man must take the mercy freely,
Or eternally be lost.

Himself He Could Not Save

Himself He could not save,
He on the cross must die,
Or mercy cannot come
To ruined sinners nigh;
Yes, Christ, the Son of God, must bleed,
That sinners might from sin be freed.

Himself He could not save,
For justice must be done;
And sin's full weight must fall
Upon a sinless one;
For nothing less can God accept,
In payment for the fearful debt.

Himself He could not save,
For He the surety stood
For all who now rely
Upon His precious blood;
He bore the penalty of guilt,
When on the cross His blood was spilt.

Himself He could not save,
Yet now a Saviour He:
Come, sinner, to Him come,
He waits to welcome thee;
Believe in Him, and thou shalt prove
His saving power, His deathless love.