A thousand years shall come and go,
A thousand years of night and day,
And man, through all their changing show,
His tragic drama still shall play.

Ruled by some fond ideal's power,
Cheated by passion or despair,
Still shall he waste life's trembling hour,
In worship vain, and useless prayer.

Ah! where are they who rose in might,
Who fired the temple and the shrine,
And hurled, through earth's chaotic night,
The helpless gods it deemed divine?

Cease, longing soul, thy vain desire!
What idol, in its stainless prime,
But falls, untouched of axe or fire,
Before the steady eyes of Time.

He looks, and lo! our altars fall,
The shrine reveals its gilded clay,
With decent hands we spread the pall,
And, cold with wisdom, glide away.

Oh! where were courage, faith, and truth,
If man went wandering all his day
In golden clouds of love and youth,
Nor knew that both his steps betray?

Come, Time, while here we sit and wait,
Be faithful, spoiler, to thy trust!
No death can further desolate
The soul that knows its god was dust.

Oh, Love divine, ineffable!
Help the weak heart that strays from thee!
And battling with the hosts of hell,
Doubts or despairs of victory:
For Thou hast died upon the tree,
Thine anguish poured in bloody sweat,
And can thy yearning heart forget
The first-fruits of that agony?
O Lord, in glory, think on me!

Thy tenderness no mother knows,
Not she who sees her darling pine,
And weeps that dying shadows close
Above the lamb she knows is thine;
But Thou, my God, art all divine!
Thy banished shall return again;
Thy life poured out like summer rain
Those dying pangs exchanged for mine
Are not an alien's birth-right sign.

I know that from the depths of sin,
The uttermost abyss of woe,
Thine arm my trembling soul shall win,
Thy piercing eyes thy child shall know.
Though mortal love forget to flow
Though mortal faith grow cold and die
Thy love is called eternity,
Thy truth is morning's orient glow,
And wide as space shall ever grow.

Come, prince of darkness, with thy bands!
Their leaguered host a child defies,
For He who holds me in his hands
Shall like a stern avenger rise,
And turn on thee those heavenly eyes
That tears of pity shed for me;
But burn with judgment over thee
And those who dare his love despise,
Then stoop and bear me to the skies.

The Death Of Goody Nurse

The chill New England sunshine
Lay on the kitchen floor;
The wild New England north wind
Came rattling at the door.

And by the wide old fire-place,
Deep in her cushioned chair.
Lay back an ancient woman,
With shining snow-white hair.

The peace of God was on her face.
Her eyes were sweet and calm,
And when you heard her earnest voice
It sounded like a psalm.

In all the land they loved her well;
From country and from town
Came many a heart for counsel,
And many a soul cast down.

Her hands had fed the hungry poor
With blessing and with bread;
Her face was like a comforting
From out the Gospel read.

So weak and silent as she lay,
Her warm hands clasped in prayer,
A sudden knocking at the door
Came on her unaware.

And as she turned her hoary head,
Beside her chair there stood
Four grim and grisly Puritans —
No visitants for good.

They came upon her like a host.
And bade her speak and tell
Why she had sworn a wicked oath
To serve the powers of hell;

To work the works of darkness
On children of the light,
A witch they might not suffer here
Who read the Word aright.

Like one who sees her fireside yawn,
A pit of black despair,
Or one who wakes from quiet dreams
Within a lion's lair,

She glared at them with starting, eyes,
Her voice essayed no sound;
She gasped like any hunted deer
The eager dogs surround.

'Answer us!' hoarse and loud they cry;
She looked from side to side —
No human help — 'Oh, gracious God!'
In agony she cried.

Then, calling back her feeble life,
The white lips uttered slow,
'I am as pure as babe unborn
From this foul thing, ye know.

'If God doth visit me for sin,
Beneath His rod I bend,'
But pitiless and wroth were they,
And bent upon their end.

They tortured her with taunt and jeer,
They vexed her night and day —
No husband's arm nor sister's tears
Availed their rage to stay.

Before the church they haled her then;
The minister arose
And poured upon her patient head
The worst of all its woes:

He bade her be accursed of God
Forever here and there;
He cursed her with a heavy curse
No mortal man may bear.

She stood among the cowering crowd
As calm as saints in heaven.
Her eyes as sweet as summer skies.
Her face like summer's even.

The devils wrought their wicked will
On matron and on maid.
'Thou hast bewitched us!' cried they all,
But not a word she said.

They fastened chains about her feet,
And carried her away;
For many days in Salem jail
Alone and ill she lay

She heard the scythe along the field
Ring through the fragrant air,
She smelt the wild-rose on the wind
That bloweth everywhere.

Reviled and hated and bereft.
The soul had plenteous rest,
Though sorrow like a frantic flood
Beat sore upon her breast.

At last the prison door stood wide.
They led the saint abroad;
By many an old familiar place
Her trembling footsteps trod.

Till faint with weakness and distress,
She climbed a hillside bleak,
And faced the gallows built thereon.
Still undisturbed and meek.

They hanged this weary woman there.
Like any felon stout;
Her white hairs on the cruel rope
Were scattered all about.

The body swung upon the tree
In every flitting wind,
Reviled and mocked by passengers
And folk of evil mind.

A woman old and innocent,
To die a death of shame.
With kindred, neighbors, friends thereby,
And none to utter blame.

Oh, God, that such a thing should be
On earth which Thou hast made!
A voice from heaven answered me,
' Father forgive,' He said.

The Death Of Tankerfield

The death of holy Tankerfield,
That martyr of the Lord's,
And his great worth I do set forth
As seasonable words.

In young King Edward's blessed time,
A Papist vile was he;
Uncleansèd from the filthy slime
Of vain idolatry.

But when it pleased the Lord most high
To take the king away,
Unto his everlasting rest,
To be with him alway,-

When bloody Mary's reign began,
Wherein the flock of Christ
Did wander through the valleys low,
And stumble in the mist,-

Then, as he saw what cruel pains
From men they did endure,
And suffered pangs of many deaths
To make their glory sure-

His heart was moved and stirred within
To see their evil tide,
And that foul church which wrought the sin
He might no more abide.

But turned unto the sacred Word,
To light his darksome soul;
And learned to leave that faith abhorred
That would his mind control.

And did his feeble voice uplift
To make a protest bold,
Renouncing all the devil's works,
To which he clave of old.

Thereat unto his house there came
A man of cruel mind,
By name one Byrd, who thought no shame
This godly youth to bind.

Before the judge they haled him then,
Who sent him back apace,
Unto a doleful prison-cell,
Where he remained a space.

But when before the court he came,
To answer for his faith,
Of Christ the Lord he was not shamed,
But owned him unto death.

So, when the summer-tide was come,
And all the fields were green,
And flowers upon the dewy meads
Were joyful to be seen,

They brought him from his dungeon-cell
Unto a certain Inn,
And bade him to remember well
The wages of his sin.

For that he never more should see
The rising of the sun.
'Then,' with a cheerful voice, quoth he,
'Good Lord, thy will be done!'

'Now, bring me here a cup of wine,
Withal a wheaten cake,
To keep the Supper of the Lord,
Ere I my end do make.

'I may not have a minister
To break this bread to me,
But by the passion, gracious Lord,
Lay not the sin to me!

'I fain would keep thy feast again
Before I drink it new,
To aid my flesh in deathly pain,
And keep my spirit true.'

So, giving thanks, he took the bread,
And drank the sacred wine,
Which now in heaven he doth partake
From chalices divine.

Then prayed he them to light a fire,
That he his strength might try;
The host did grant him his desire,
And stood amazèd by:

For, lo! he stretched his naked food
Into the scorching flame,
But bone and sinew quivering shrank,
And loud he spake in pain:

'Ho, flesh! thou wilt not gladly burn,
But spirit shall endure;
Ho, sense! thou wouldst from glory turn,
But soul thou shalt make sure!'

Then, as the time drew on apace
That he by fire should die,
He kneeled again and prayed for grace
To bear his agony.

Then, with a calm and pleasant smile,
Saith he,-'However long
The day may seem, yet at the last
It rings for even-song.'

The sheriffs brought him to a green,
Hard by the abbey-wall,
And seeing there the fagots piled,
They spake aloud to all.

'A dinner sharp is mine today,'
Quoth he, with joyful faith,
'But I shall sup on heavenly cates,
And triumph over death.'

When he was fettered to the stake,
They heaped the pile full high,
And called a priest, with subtle words
To shake his constancy.

But loudly he denied the mass
And all the works of Rome,
So might not Babylonish tricks
Delay his passage home.

A certain knight, who stood thereby,
Laid hold upon his hand.
Quoth he, 'Good brother in the Lord,
Be strong in Christ, and stand.'

'Oh, sir!' the martyr made reply,
'I give you thanks indeed.
May God be lauded, I am strong!'
With that they bade him heed.

And set the fire unto the pile:
When, as the flame shot high,
Unto the strong and mighty One
He powerfully did cry.

Yea, from the depths uplifted he
A cry for help to God,
And homeward then, on fiery wings,
Right joyfully he rode.